Two Bars: Part 38 of 10

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(Three months after.)

Frisk stared down at the little instrument in her hand. It couldn't be true, could it? Maybe it was just a malfunction.

She stared at it again. Two bars? That meant she was pregnant, but that couldn't be true. Monsters and humans couldn't have children. They were just too different, physically.

Maybe that explained why she hadn't heard Chara in so long. If she had been gone since Frisk got pregnant, then that meant that she was three months pregnant. How was she going to tell Sans?

Sans sat on a rock by the edge of the pond in their backyard. He hummed softly as he adjusted the finishing touches to his creation. He heard the sound of the backyard door opening, but he didn't turn around.

"Sans?" Frisk walked over to where he sat. "I.. have something important to tell you.."

"Mmm? What is it?" He set his invention on the pond and watched it skip across the surface. He turned to look at Frisk, his face carefully passive.

"I, uh, I think I'm.. pregnant." Frisk blushed profusely, staring down at her toes.

Sans stared back at her, surprised. "That's.. great, honey!" He stood up to embrace her. "I didn't think it was even possible!"

"I know. I was surprised too." She stared past Sans's shoulder.

Sans pulled her back to arm's length, looking at her. "Don't worry. I know this is new for you, but we have to keep calm."

"Of course. I'm just.. shocked, is all."

Sans looked off into the distance. His eyes clouded over with conflicted emotions. But he arranged his face into an easy smile before Frisk could see.

"We have to tell the others! They'll be so happy." He kissed her lightly on the cheek.

Frisk smiled at Sans. "Yes, of course." They walked back into the house together.

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