Chaper 13

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The next day, the four of you were still joking around Draco while Millicent seemed to be left out. Breakfast for you was really fun. Then you all went on your way to class. You waved at your brother who was with Therese and he waves back at you with all smiles on his face.

You were at your Defense Against the Dark Arts class with Gildory Lockhart. And all girls seemed to have hearts in their eyes.
"What's wrong with them?" you whispered to Andrea who was sitting next to you
"He's Gildory Lockhart" she said and shrugged and you just rolled your eyes.

After a little while, the said professor gave you a test about his whole life! And you can't believe how the girls started to write and with Hermione a page ahead already.
"I can't believe this!" you growled
"So much for being a bookworm now, are we?" whispered Blaise at you who was sitting next to Millicent. You just rolled your eyes at him.
"Of all the author, it was him" Caleb whispered from your back who was sitting beside Draco
"I know right?" you said and went back to your test.

After your test, you've waited for the results and of course, Hermione got the highest one. After getting all the papers, you walked out the classroom. You were walking with Caleb, Andrea, Blaise, Draco and Millicent, your small group of six.
"It seems like, that would put you to second place" Draco teased you
"And you'll be fourth cause Caleb is taking the third place" you said to Draco sticking your tongue out at him.

You then all walked to get some lunch. On your way to the great hall, you saw your brother talking to that Natasha again. You told your friends to go along and you'll follow them.
"Ehem" you coughed to get your brother's attention.
"Oh, hey. Uhm, Natasha, this is my little sister, my princess Y/N" Chase introduced you and you just smiled
"Oh, a fellow Slytherin. Hi" Natasha smiled at you
"Hi" you said to her and you turn to your brother "Aren't you going to get some lunch?" you asked
"Well, we're about to. Let's go" he said and the three of you went in the great hall for lunch.

You went to your table and sat down beside Caleb joining your small group.
"Is your brother and her going out?" Andrea asked
"No. Not yet" you said
"He likes her!?" exclaimed Blaise
"Unfortunately" said Caleb
"He's got a nice taste in girls. But I don't think she's nice" said Draco and all of you were a little shocked by what he said
"Since when did you care about attitude?" you said
"Yeah. I thought you're all about the face and the body" said Blaise and Draco just rolled his eyes
"I'm not like that. I'm into attitude and brains too you know" Draco explained himself
"Even though you don't look like you do?" Caleb asked
"Urgh. I'm not that kind of guy!" Draco rolled his eyes. All of you then gave a clap for him before laughing.

~      ~      ~
Time Skip
~      ~      ~

You were walking down the halls with your small group.
"Come on guys, it's a bright day" said Blaise and he run down the stairs straight outside followed by Caleb and Draco.
"Boys" you said shaking your head. Then you saw your brother with his best friend, Therese. You waved at them and they waved back at you. They were heading to the library.

"Let's get our assignments done" you said and dragged Andrea and Millicent with you to the library. You chose a table not far away from your brother. You then started to work on your homeworks.
"Who is that girl?" said Millicent
"Therese Carson. My brother's best friend" you said
"She's so pretty" Andrea said
"They look cute together, don't they?" you smiled to both of Andrea and Millicent
"Yeah. Like you and Caleb" said Millicent and you just rolled your eyes
"But the silliness you and Draco share is cuter" said Andrea
"Oh stop it" you said and went back to your parchment.

After a while, you were done with your homework.
"We're just going to bring back the books to the shelves" Andrea said as she and Millicent got up.
"Oh, okay" you said and then a chair was pulled beside you and a guy sat down.
"So, how's your day and what are you doing here?" the guy asked
"We did our homework. And this day is quite fun. Except for one class" you said
"Defense Against the Dark Arts" the guy continued
"Yeah. Can you believe it!? He made us answer a test about himself! He's so ridiculous!" you exclaimed trying to express how pissed are you with that class.
"Okay, okay, sissy. Let's go out and chill" the guy said put an arm around your shoulder and waving to your friends.
"You know what, Chase. I can't really stand that human being! I wish he's out of here!" you swore as you and your brother went out.
"Hey, chill out. It's a long year, you know. Maybe you'll get the hang of it" Chase said
"Never in a million years" you said rolling your eyes.

As you and your brother are walking down the halls, he saw Natasha. His little lady and you just rolled your eyes as you saw her.
"Do you mind if i go talk to her?" Chase asked you
"Would you go if I said yes?" you asked
"Well...." he said and looked at Natasha and back at you
"Okay, go on. I'll just go find Fred and George" you said as you rolled your eyes on your brother. He just laughed and kissed your forehead and went on his way. And then you started looking for Fred and George outside. You saw them hanging out by the shade of a tree.

"Hey, guys!" you said sitting down in between them
"Oh hey, little uhm" said Fred "What should we call you?" he asked
"Uhm, Y/N?" you said with a confused smile
"No, that's everyone calls you. We beg to differ" said George
"What should you call me then?" you asked
"Pumpkin!" Fred exclaimed
"I should be the one calling you that cause of your hair" you laughed
"Well, I like it" said George
"Okay then, pumpkin" said Fred
"And I'll call you Fourth" you pointed to Fred "and Fifth" you said pointing to George
"Why is that?" the twins asked in unison
"Because you're like my fourth and fifth brother" you smiled
"Funny, that's really us in our family" said George
"Yeah, that's funny" said Fred
"So, how's your day Pumpkin?" George asked
"It's quite fun and crazy, yours?" you said
"Likewise" said Fred
"Except for that one class" said George
"Defense Against the Dark Arts" the three of you said in unison and laughed
"He's unbelievable!" you exclaimed
"Hilarious!" added Fred
"Unbearable" added George and you all laughed once again.

Then you saw your brother walking with that Natasha.
"Are they a thing?" George asked
"I don't know" you answered
"I like him better with Therese" said Fred
"You can say that again" you said
"I like him better with Therese" Fred repeated and you looked at each other and laughed.
"So, what are we going to do with our spare time?" you asked
"Plan" the twins said in unison
"Plan what?" you asked as they help you up and started walking in to the castle
"Pranks" they said in unison
"Alright!" you exclaimed and the three of you started running inside the castle.

The twins brought you to a small room they found out themselves where they keep their pranking tools and everything else. You sat down by the table and watch them do their work. They explained what were they planning to do with the first years on Sunday and eventually, you were part of it.

After an hour or more of planning out your pranks, you decided to go down the great hall for dinner. You were all being careful so that your secret lare wouldn't be figured out by other students. You successfully got down to the great hall and went on your tables for dinner.

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