Chapter 24

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Draco's POV

"Well, they're your friends....... And it's the least I could do for-" I told Y/N and I was cut off by a tight hug coming from her.
"Them." I finished what I was saying and put my arms around her to hug her back.
"Thanks" she said
"You're welcome" I told her smiling
"Well, then. It's time for us to sleep" I told her and smiled
"Yeah. You know what, you're not completely what they say" she started
"What" I stated
"You know. That you're mean and a bully prat" she said
"Okay" I nodded and choked out a laugh
"You're actually sweet and caring" she smiled
"Thanks" I told her smiled back
"You're welcome. Good night" she said before turning her way to her room
"Good night" I said and went to ours.

I walked up to our room and lay down my bed. I think I'll have a good night sleep after all, I thought and smiled to myself.

"What took you so long?" Caleb asked coming out from the bathroom changing into his comfy clothes
"Y/N. She said good night" I told him
"Oh, okay. Let's get to sleep then" hr told me and went to his bed for a sleep.

I woke up the next day to a bright and sunny morning. What a wonderful time for the last day of school. I stood up from my bed, changed into my robes fix my things and my trunk that I'm bringing home. It has been a crazy year.

After fixing my things, and so the boys does, we went down the hall for breakfast.
"Good morning" greeted Andrea cheerfully
"You're happy" said Blaise
"Well, they said earlier this morning that everything has gone back to normal" said Millicent
"Yeah. Thanks to Harry" Andrea smiled as we were on our way to the great hall.
"Thanks to you too" someone whispered by my side. Y/N. I smiled at her. It's all the credit I needed. Knowing she appreciates me much like that Potter.
"And it's the last day so who wouldn't be happy" Caleb stated
"Race you there" said Y/N and suddenly we all started running.

As we sat down our usual places, Crabbe and Goyle joined me and I guess i drifted out to our conversation. I glanced up in front of me to see that Y/N is still sad. However, Caleb was talking to her. He sure knows how to make her smile. She then turned around to the Gryffindor table, excused herself and run to that Potter again.

Your POV

"Harry!" you exclaimed hugging him at their table. He hugged me back tightly.
"I'm so glad you're all fine" you told him "Ron!" I said and hugged Ron. You then scan the table and landed on Ginny
"Ginny!" you said and hugged her "I'm so glad you're alright" you told her
"Thanks for caring Y/N" she said hugging me back. Just then, you went back to sit with Harry and Ron.

After minutes of being silent, Harry finally spoke up.
"Don't worry, she'll be alright" he said and you looked at him and smiled. Then, like on cue, Hermione opened the door to the great hall. You, Harry and Ron then stood up to meet her. She run to you hugging each of you tightly.
"Thank God you're alright" you sighed happily
"I know. Thanks to the three of you" Hermione told us
"I won't take credit for what Harry did" you said and looked at Harry and he smiled
"Harry, you're blushing" said Ron with a low voice and the four of you laughed.

Since it's the last day, you decided to dine with them. You sat down in between Fred and George as we shared a laugh while they make funny jokes.
"So, pumpkin, what are you planning for the summer?" Fred asked
"Well, I don't know yet. What about you guys?" you returned the question
"Well, nothing much. Plan for peaks maybe" said George
"You'll write us right?" asked Fred
"Of course! You'll come visit right?" you asked them
"Absolutely!" the twins chimed and you laughed continuing your food.

After a wonderful feast, you had the house cup, which is won once again by the Gryffindors. Then you headed to our dorms to get your things ready for your trip back home.

You finished fixing your things and you still have a spare time to play around. So you called on to your friends to hang out. You run outside under the shade of a tree just outside the castle. You were all having fun when a Hufflepuff came in. Kathleen. You nudged Caleb who was having a laugh with Blaise and Draco.

"What?" Caleb asked you a smile still plastered to his face. You then looked at Kathleen who was waiting looking at you a meter or two away.
"Go on, man. She's waiting" said Blaise and Caleb turned to you.
"Go" you said and Caleb stood up and went to Kathleen. As you all looked at them with you smiling.

"They look cute together, don't you think?" Draco asked you as he took the place next to you which Caleb left.
"Yeah. They do" you smiled.
Draco then leaned back with both of his hand on the ground supporting him. Blaise then started joking and playing around as you wait for Caleb.

As Kathleen said her goodbyes, Caleb went back to you.
"Hey Malfoy, that's my place" said Caleb coming back
"Go look for another one" Draco said laughing at Blaise's joke.

As the afternoon goes by, you had a wonderful time. Until it was time to go back home. You boarded the train with your friends and picking a compartment large enough for the six of you. You sat down boys on the other side, girls on the other. You were having a great time, bought some treats from the trolley and enjoyed the ride. Not long, all of you fell asleep.

When you wake up, Andrea and Millicent was already up too. You look at the boys sleeping in front of you and the three of you girls shared a laugh.

"Don't Caleb and Kathleen look cute together?" Andrea asked suddenly
"Yeah. Yes, they do" you said
"But you two look cuter together" said Millicent
"Oh, really?" you laughed a little
"Yeah. I ship you two" Millicent grinned
"Oh, come on, no. We're best friends" you said
"Friendship is where everything starts" said Millicent
"Yeah. She's right. But I think you and Draco looked cuter together" said Andrea
"What? No" you said
"Yeah. I ship you two" Andrea grinned
"Come on guys, stop it" you said shaking your head.
"Team Caleb!" cheered Millicent
"Team Draco!" cheered Andrea
"Really? I thought both of you are team Y/N?" you said and the three of you laughed.

"Okay, seriously. We think they both like you" said Millicent
"Yeah. And we'll soon find out who do you like" Andrea said
"Guys, I really don't know what you're talking about" you said choking out a laugh
"Well, don't you feel butterflies for those two?" Millicent said as you look at the two boys still sound asleep in front of you
"Well, now that you mention it. Yes, I do" you said
"You see? You're starting to like someone. But, who?" Andrea asked
"I don't know. They both give me butterflies when they're doing sweet things" you stated
"Don't worry. We'll help you figure out who" Andrea smiled
"But we'll also cheer for our bets" Millicent added and the three of you laughed.

"What's so funny?" Blaise asked as he woke up
"Nothing that you should know" Andrea said as our laugh dried out
"Are we there yet?" Caleb asked sitting down properly
"Not yet" said Millicent
"But I think we're near already" said Draco
"Yeah. You've slept long enough" you said

After a few moments, you finally arrived at the platform. You descended from the train and got all your things. You said your goodbyes to you're friends when Chase had finally come to help you out with your things. As you were walking farther from your friends with Chase and Caleb beside you, your dad had come to give you three a hug.

Just then when you're about to go, someone caught your attention. And you, Chase, Caleb and your dad turned to see who was it.
"Uhm, Mr. Wittham?" he asked

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