Chapter 20

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A few weeks passed and it's already time for the Christmas break. You were packing your things for the break with your roomies while your other friends play outside on the snow. You waved your wand and open your trunk, you put your finished books so that you could bring them back home and get another for you to read. You placed other things that you needed and your done.

"Tomorrow's the day we're going home!" Andrea squealed
"We kinda know that" Millicent said laughing a little
"And I'm excited" Andrea said
"What made you so excited?" you asked
"My sister's coming home from America. She works at MACUSA. And I haven't seen her for three years!" Andrea sqeauled once again
"Well, I'm excited to get home to sleep in my comfy bed" said Millicent
"Well, me, I'm excited to see Liam and Sophia as well as my parents. And I can't wait to introduce Harry to them" you said smiling

The three of you continued talking and fixing your things. After doing your stuff, you went down to your common room just in time when your friends, the boys, came in with snow all over them.

"How's the snow doing?" Millicent asked them sarcastically
"Still cold" said Blaise sitting in front of the fireplace with Caleb and Draco
"You should go fix your things, Caleb. We're leaving tomorrow" you stated laying down the couch.
"Oh, yeah. Come on boys, let's get our things ready" said Caleb and they went to their room to fix their things.

After the boys had packed, you went down the hall for dinner. You've been sharing a laugh planning your whole break. After awhile, you decided to go down your dorm to have a good night sleep and be ready to leave for tomorrow.

As you were on your way to your dorm, you saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione. You run along to meet them.
"Harry, Ron, Hermione" you said
"Oh, hey" said Ron
"Hi Y/N" said Hermione
"Hey Y/N" smiled Harry
"Hi. Are you ready for tomorrow?" you asked them
"Yes" Hermione exclaimed
"As I'll ever be" smiled Ron
"I guess" said Harry
"It's okay Harry! Don't worry. Plus, Ron and his family will come visit. Right Ron?" you stated and Ron nodded happily.
"Alright" smiled Harry as he let go of the breathe he was holding
"I'll see you tomorrow then. Good night" you said and hugged each one of them before following your friends back to your dorm.

The next day, you woke up excited to go home. After getting ready, you ran down straight out the great hall where you'll meet Chase and Harry.

"Harry!" you excalimed as you reached the hall and saw him "Are you ready?"
"I guess so" he sighed and you smiled brightly at him making him smile as well.
"Hey, kiddos" Chase said putting an arm around your shoulder "Are you ready to come home with us, Harry?" he asked Harry and Harry just nodded.

You were all down the platform boarding the train.
"You can stay with Ron and Hermione for the trip if you want" you said to Harry
"Really?" he asked enthusiastically
"Yeah" you said laughing a little.
He then went to where Ron and Hermione are.
"Chase, me and Caleb promised to be with our friends for the trip from now on. Can we?" you asked your brother with Caleb right behind you.
"Well, I see you've got your little group now. Okay then, I'll go with mine as well" Chase smiled and you hugged him before boarding the train.

Youe entered the compartment to where Blaise, Andrea, Millicent and Draco are. Girls on the other side and boys on the other side. You all chatted and shared a laugh all the way to the station. You were all planning on what to do when you come back to Hogwarts. And every time someone feels sleepy, Blaise would entertain you guys and doesn't let anyone fall asleep.

You were all having fun until you reached your destination. As you all went down the train, you hugged your friends one by one and went to see Harry with Caleb following behind.

"Harry, come on!" you waved at him as he hugged Ron and Hermione. You waved at Ron and Hermione as Harry jogged to you. You, Caleb, Harry and Chase were waiting for your car with your bags beside you. Few minutes later, your butler finally arrived.

"Nice to finally meet you, Mr. Potter" said Mr. Tibbs and Harry smiled at him. The four of you entered your car and went on your way home. You were all chatting when you finally arrived.

"Hello, my dear children. And oh, Mr. Potter, welcome to my humble home" welcomed your dad.
"Thank you sir" said Harry
"Call me, uncle (your dad's name)" your dad winked
"Oh, you're already home. Welcome Harry. Feel at home" your mom greeted as she hugged everyone of you. "As for you Harry, you can call me aunt (your mom's name)" your mom added.

Some house elves then got your things and put in them your room as well as your brother's. Harry's things were put in the guess room as well as Caleb's. Caleb is staying at your place for three more days before going home and plan his birthday party.

After dinner, you all went to your living room to have a fun time. As you all sat down, Harry came in last.
"Is that...?" Harry asked
"A muggle TV?" Chase continued his question laughing a little
"My dad and uncle Ed, Liam's dad, are fascinated with muggle things and everything muggle" you smiled
"That's surprising. I mean, some of the richest pureblood wizzards are fascinated with muggles? Really!?" Harry stated seating down next to you
"Movies?" Caleb asked smiling at the reaction of Harry
"Sure" Harry said and you picked a movie and enjoyed the night.

~      ~      ~
Time Skip
~      ~      ~

After three days, Caleb went home and Harry is getting comfortable with your family and is starting to enjoy your company and his stay with you.

Harry and Chase is currently at your backyard playing with some of your brooms while you're just reading a novel by the living room. Then, a knock was on the front door.
"I'll get it" you shouted and went by the door to open it.
"Liam!" you exclaimed as you see your cousin by the door and hugged  him tight "I missed you so much" you added as he spun you around.
"I missed you too, my princess"

You two then went in and chat. And after a few moments, Chase and Harry had join you for a snack. And Liam is staying with you until you go back to Hogwarts.

~      ~      ~
Time Skip
~      ~      ~

Christmas day was fun. You wake up early and very happy. You ran around the house waking up Chase, Liam, and Harry. The four of you ran down the living room to open some presents. You've got a lot from your Gryffindor and Slytherin friends. Therese gave you a gift as well. Liam, Chase and Harry took a lot too. And as many presents that you got, the same lot you gave. And you happily picked them with Chase, Liam and Harry at Diagon Alley and in some muggle store that Liam took you to.

"Merry Christmas everyone!" your dad exclaimed as he got down the living room.

"Plenty of gifts for everyone" your mom said following behind

After you opened your presents, you spent the whole morning fixing them up to your room. And later in the afternoon, you decided to have snowball war. You and Liam vs Chase and Harry. You built your fortress and had the whole afternoon playing and throwing snow at each other. A maid and your butler kinda get at the middle of your war at some point asking the four of you to have some snack or get some hot choco. You all refused to have some rest and continued to play all afternoon.

Later that night, you had a wonderful dinner with everyone on the table including your butlers, maids and house elves. You enjoyed the evening dinner with a lot of stories and laughter. After dinner, the four of you, Chase, Liam, Harry and you, decided to crash down the living room with your sleeping bags. You were watching muggle movies and enjoying the cold breeze of the night.

"Y/N?" called Harry that you're the only one who could hear
"Yes?" You smiled looking back at him
"Thanks. Thank you for inviting me to stay with you. This is so much fun" Harry smiled at you
"Of course. You're family now" you smiled at him and kisses his cheek.

You saw a blush coming up from Harry's cheeks that made you laugh. Liam and Chase then laughed as well, but not because of Harry, because of the movie you were watching. Harry and you looked at them shocked that maybe they'd tease you if they saw what you did. Luckily, they didn't. So, you and Harry laughed with them but with different reasons.

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