Chapter 28

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The next day, you wake up to a letter sitting to your bedside table. Draco.

Hey Y/N,

I had a wonderful night thanks to all of you. Thanks for the gift.

Hang soon


You smiled at his letter and remembered that you bought him a hoodie just like what Liam likes. It was a green hoodie with a silver snake in the middle just like the Slytherin crest. You got that right, it's customize.

Hey Draco,

I had so much fun too. I'll ask everyone what would be a pleasant time to hang out.

See you soon


You rolled the letter and let Miccu fly it to Draco. You went straight to your bathroom to brush your teeth and start your day. As you went out the bathroom, you got your wand, waved it to fix your bed and went downstairs for breakfast.

After getting breakfast, you decided to have a run with Hunter. You put on a leash on him and run outside the sub. It's more like a private property of relatives. The only houses near yours are the Morgans and Ritshires the other houses are farther. You run passed your uncle Ed's house where you can see their made cleaning in the garden. You then run pass the Morgan's house where your uncle Charles, Caleb's father, was just leaving for work.

"Good day Y/N" he greeted you in his car
"Good day uncle Charles, is Caleb here?" you asked him
"Yeah. Just reading by the living room" he answered
"Okay. Have a safe trip" you waved at him and he drove off.

"Come on, Hunter" you said and led Hunter into the Morgan property. You let him loose once you locked the gate. You knock on the front door and was greeted by the Morgan's family maid.

You entered the house and went to the living room where Caleb is laying down the couch reading some science fiction book given by Liam.

"Hey,  what's up?" you asked sitting down on his legs.
"Hey. Just reading this science book" Caleb said
"You know, Liam told me, science is like muggle magic" you told him grabbing a pillow and hugging it.
"Yeah. Like the technologies they got" Caleb said

"Oh, Y/N. You're here" aunt Meg, Caleb's mother, said
"Hey, aunt Meg" you smiled
"Just wait there, I'll bring you some cookies" aunt Meg said and went to the kitchen

"So, when are we gonna hang out?" you asked Caleb
"I don't know. Anytime is fine with me" he answered
"Okay then. What about next week?" you asked
"Sure. But where?" Caleb asked
"Diagon Alley? We could just hang around for the day" you said
"Sounds good" said Caleb
"Here you go" says aunt Meg putting down the tray of cookies and two glass of milk for you and Caleb
"Thanks aunt Meg" you said
"No problem" she smiled at you and you got some of the cookies for yourself.

Caleb sat down and grab some cookies and his glass of milk. He then put down the milk and continued reading leaning at the back of the couch. You lift your legs to his lap and lay down eating your cookies.

"Anyways, Hunter is outside" you told Caleb
"Okay. Did you got him a toy or something?" he asked you
"No. Just a leash" you said finishing another cookie
"I'll go get a ball and play with him" said Caleb and he put down his book and went to his room.

You finished your milk and followed outside to see Caleb and Hunter playing fetch. Caleb used it as his exercise which made you laugh. You stayed at the Morgans until 4 and went home after.

That same night, you've been writing to Andrea, Millicent, Blaise and Draco to what would be the most convenient time for the six of you to hang out. And before you go to sleep, you've decided to have a day to hangout by the weekend. You all agreed to be at Diagon Alley at 9am on Saturday which is two days from now. You mailed Caleb to tell him that it was settled and he agreed. You went to ask your mom and dad for permission just before you go to sleep and they said yes.

Two days had passed, you are currently on your way to Diagon Alley with Caleb. Mr. Morgan decided to send you there since he's gonna pick up something before going to work. You had a few galleons with you like Caleb. Just enough to be anywhere you and your friends want to be. Not long when you finally arrived and it's 9am. You and Caleb run to the place where you and your friends would meet. When you arrived, Blaise was already there. And you see Millicent, Andrea and Draco running, just like you towards Blaise.

"It's so fun to be early when I can see all of you running like that from different directions" laughed Blaise
"Okay. Now, where are we going?" you asked panting
"Let's have a drink, or snack first. You all are pretty tired from running" Blaise laughed once again and all of you joined in.
"Okay. Off to the Ice Cream Parlor then?" Caleb asked
"Yeah" smiled Andrea and you all went on your way

After a wonderful time at the ice cream parlor, talking and laughing and all, you all decided to go around.

"Where to next?" Blaise asked
"Obscurus Books!" you exclaimed
"Definitely!" Andrea said
"Then Broomstix after" said Draco
"Definitely" said Caleb and you all went on your way

You went inside the bookstore looking for something that interests you. You Andrea and Millicent looked around to find something that you might want to bring back home. While the boys, flipped over pages of books laughing at some pictures, drawings or even titles of the books. After a few minutes, the three of you girls have finally settled for your books. You wanted a novel about a heroin witch, Andrea settled for a love story and Millicent an adventure type of book. You paid for your books and waited for the boys to stop laughing about a certain book with a crazy cover. After their laughter dried out, you finally went outside.

"Off to Broomstix" said Draco
"Right, you are" said Caleb and the three boys went on their way faster than you are.

As you entered the Broomstix, the boys went around looking and admiring all the brooms stack on shelves and walls. They even tried on riding some of them. After hey had fun, you all decided to just walk around for awhile before having lunch at the Rosa Lee Teabag. You were all having fun talking about what is going around, laughing and enjoying your meal.

"We still have few hours, where to next?" Blaise asked
"Whizz Hard Books?" you suggested
"You're all about books" said Blaise and you laughed
"We can go to Quality Quidditch Supplies after" you smiled
"Deal" smiled Caleb
"Let's get going" said Draco and you all stood up and went on your way to Whizz Hard Books.

You were all at the Whizz Hard Book looking at books. Caleb and Draco got interested in some books too and bought one for them. You took a book entitled Human Heart and paid for it. It took you awhile at the Whizz Hard Books before you went in your way out. Next stop, Quality Quidditch Supplies, a store where the boys love to be in. You all went around and bought some candies first before going to the store.

"Here, so you won't get bored much" said Draco handing you lollipop as you sat down a couch in the store
"Thanks" you smiled at him and Andrea sat next to you while Millicent joined the boys.

You grab a hold of Draco and Caleb's things while Andrea got Blaise's and Millicent's as you wait for them.

"Isn't he sweet?" Andrea grinned at you
"Huh?" you look at her confused
"Draco" she smiled
"Well, yeah. Yes, he is" you smiled
"You'll really look cute together" Andrea said and you smiled at her.

Not long when they're finally done. Draco and Caleb got some souvenirs as well as Blaise and Millicent. It's almost dinner time and it was time for all of you to go home. Since it was running late.

"So, I hope all of you could come to my party" you said before parting your ways
"Sure" said Millicent
"Would this be a green party as well?" Draco asked
"Most likely. My parents planned for a Slytherin themed party" you smiled
"Oh, okay. I can just use my robe then" joked Blaise
"If you want to" laughed Caleb
"It's going to be green, white and silver party" you smiled
"Ohhh. The light version of Draco's" Andrea said
"Yeah" you smiled

Just then, you said your goodbyes and went on your way. You and Caleb went home together getting fetched by Chase.

"You two had fun?" Chase asked as you enter your car
"Definitely" you said
"Totally" said Caleb and you went on your way.

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