Chapter 38

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"Y/N, we're here" said Liam as he wake you up. You got out of the car and followed Liam inside his flat with him carrying your things.

As you went inside his flat, he had put your things in the other room.

"Oh, am I sleeping in Sophia's room?" you asked your cousin
"That's your room, silly. Sophia got her own flat. And when Chase had finished school, he'll stay here. And we're gonna share a room. Until you graduate, and I'll give this flat to the both of you. And I'll be moving in with Sophia" Liam explained as he prepared some dinner for the both of you.

"Liam, that's so much. Thank you" you hugged your cousin tight as he held on two plates in his both hands. He kissed your head and you let go.

"Anything for you. Now, let's have dinner. And we'll have some movie marathon later on" he smiled at you
"I'll just go change" you said and run your way to your room.

As you entered your room, it was filled with everything you need. Liam has managed to put up a shelf full of books and a cozy area where you could read your books besides your bed.

You finished changing into comfy clothes and had joined Liam in the dining area.

"So, how's your third year?" Liam asked you
"Fine. We're doing great" you told him as you eat your dinner
"What about Chase?" Liam asked you
"Well, he's doing great with Natasha" you told him looking down at your food.
"What happened to the both of you?" he asked you
"You know?" you asked him back
"Well, a letter came to me at work from Therese. And it was a long story" he told you

"Well, I... I just can't imagine he did that. I mean, he changed so suddenly ever since he's been with Natasha" you told Liam
"I agree. He did changed. I know him better more than anyone. And I know he wouldn't do that to you" Liam told you
"So, what do you think about what happened to him?" you asked
"I don't know. I'm not sure. But there's something to do with Natasha" he told you

"I will figure it out" you told him
"I know you will. But for the meantime, let's enjoy each other's company. I only see you very often now" he told you
"Of course" you told him
"How's your trip to Hogsmeade?" Liam asked you and you continued to tell him stories on what had happened to you for the past three months.

After dinner, you got ready for your movie marathon.

"Come on, let's go out" said Liam
"Where are we going? I thought we're gonna watch?" you asked
"Yes. But we're gonna buy snacks first" Liam told you
"Is Pia coming?" you asked
"Nope. I told her we're going to have a three day vacation to ourselves" Liam said
"Three day vacay, huh?" you choked a laugh
"Yes. And she'll be coming over after three days to have some time with you" he explained
"Oh, okay" you said
"Let's go. Here, use this" Liam said handing you his hoodie and opened the door to go out already.

"Wait. I'm gonna change" you told him
"No need. We're the same anyways. Sweatpants and hoodie" Liam told
"And in slippers. Comfy" you said and skipped your way out.

You went in a grocery near buy and bought some chips and cola.

"Want some sweets?" Liam asked
"No need. I bought you a lot" you told him
"Oh, okay" he said and put down the pack of chocolates he was holding.

Liam paid for the snacks and you went back to his flat. You spent the whole night watching movies. And you had fallen asleep in the living room on the couch.

In three days time, you and Liam indeed had the time on your own. And after that, Pia visited and spent some time with you. And during Christmas, you went home with Liam to celebrate it with your family. You stayed there until Caleb's birthday and New Year's eve. You got along very well with all your family and friends during the break. Even though you're not talking much to Chase, it was all well. And after New Year, you went back to the muggle world with Liam.

After a week, you were already on your way back to Hogwarts. You were in your compartment with your friends. Talking about your Christmas breaks and what you did. You were seated by the window and in front of you was Caleb. You weren't talking that much and Caleb noticed it. You were thinking deeply. After a few moments, you were already put to a stop and on the carriages to the castle.

When you arrived at the castle, you went to your dorm and fix all your things. And for the first time of the year, you went down the great hall to have some dinner.You sat down next to Caleb who was talking to Blaise and Draco. You were talking to Andrea and Millicent while having some dinner.

"Can you give me some chicken" you ask and Caleb gladly gave you a piece
"Speaking of chicken" Draco said
"What?" you asked
"My father said he would do something about that chicken of Hagrid" Draco said with a little pride
"What!?" said Andrea a little shocked.
"Yeah" said Draco with a laugh
"Well, we were expecting something like that" Andrea said and all of you laughed

"That's not surprising" said Caleb
"Yeah. Not at all" said Blaise
"Well, his not the only one with a news" you said
"You've got one?" Caleb asked
"Yeah" you nodded
"Spill" said Millicent

"Well, we all noticed that my brother changed, right?" you asked. And all of your friends nodded.
"Well, Liam told me, he's not gonna change that much and that easily if there's nothing going on" you told them
"So, does he mean, there's something going on with Chase?" Blaise asked
"Yeah. And Natasha has something to do about it" you told them
"That witch! She dare put a spell or something on your brother!" Andrea said nearly screaming
"Andrea, sshh, she's just a few seats away" Caleb said
"We're gonna find out what's happening. I won't let her just use my brother!" you told them
"We'll get her" Caleb said
"Yeah. We'll make her pay" said Blaise and you all looked at her talking to her goons.

Thr next day, you talked to Therese, Cedric, Fred and George about Liam's hunch about Natasha. You asked them to help you out and look out to whatever is happening between Chase and Natasha. And what could've Natasha done to your brother.

They all gladly agreed to help you and look after what Natasha is doing doing. And they've also agreed to check on Chase's behavior.

Being in the same house as Natasha, you and your friends decided that you will carefully check on Natasha very often. Very soon, you will all find out what is going on with Chase's behavior.

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