Chapter 17

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A few weeks later, everything went back to the way it is. You were again talking to Malfoy, you've been hanging out more with your small group of friends, you're getting closer and closer to Fred, George, Harry, Ron and Hermione. And you've been hanging out with Therese.

"This is not what I intended to do" you said slamming your head down your book in the library.
"It's okay. I'll help you out. What's that anyways?" Therese asked you.
You were hanging in the library, as always, everytime your brother would goof around with Natasha.

"It's a stupid assignment on how he vanished a troll in the forest" you said raising your parchment showing her your essay about Lockhart's book.
"Well, you're almost done. Good job" Therese laughed
"No. I'm so done. I'm so done with this" you said not even lifting your head up.
"Oh, hey. Your brother's coming" Therese shook you.

"How's my baby?" Chase asked sitting down by your side hugging you.
"I'm so done" you said not moving
Chase then looked at Therese.
"It's her assignment. Lockhart" she shrugged and went back to writing.
Chase then looked at your parchment.
"You've done well" Chase snorted
You then sat straight and slap his arm.
"Ouch. Come on, enough of that. Let's go down" Chase said still laughing helping you fix your things.

"Will you stop laughing?" you said glaring at your brother as you go down the stairs with Therese
"You know what, you look cute when you're mad" said Chase still laughing a little
"Whatever" you muttered and Therese just smiled watching you and your brother.

"Can we just hang out for little while first?" you asked stopping on your step
"Why? Aren't you hungry yet?" Chase asked
"Nope" you said hugging your books
"Okay, then. Therese, what do you say?" Chase said turning to his best friend
"Sure, thing" she smiled and you walked out the castle settling down a bench just near the stairs heading out the castle.

"So, how's your day?" Chase asked
"Fun" said Therese
"If you cross out Lockhart from the picture" you leaning back to the bench
"What about yours?" said Therese
"Well, it was joyful. I get to hang out with Natasha and-" said Chase as he was cut off
"Yeah, yeah. You hang out with her a lot you forgot I'm your sister and Therese is your best friend" you said crossing you arms
"I'm really really sorry. It's just know what I feel towards her. And I want her to notice that, at least" Chase said kneeling in front of you
"Yeah whatever. Why don't you go look for her and ask her to join you for dinner" you said standing and grabbing your things and straight to the great hall you go.

You just had enough of it. Every time your hanging out, he's always talking on how great things are going between him and Natasha. He doesn't even keep in touch with you now. No more Saturday fun day, you only hang out three times a week now. It's like he's drifting away.

Chase's POV

I stood shock seeing my sister walk out just like that. What happened? What made her really upset? I didn't do anything.

"It's okay. She's just a little upset" said Therese putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Upset? Why would she be upset?" I asked not getting any clue
"Well, you know. She's your sister. And you treated her exactly like a princess" said Therese
"I know that, obviously. She's my sister. But I don't understand why is she upset" I say
"Why? Seriously, you sound like you don't know your sister" said Therese exhaling
"Of course I know my sister!" I said a little louder than I thought

Therese just looked at me surprised.
"You don't know why? I'll tell you why. She's upset because every time you hang out together, it's Natasha you always talk about. All the attention you once gave her drifted to Natasha in just a snap of a hand" explained Therese
"And how do you say so? You've just been friends for a few months." I said getting pissed. I don't want this. Instead of helping me as her best friend, she's throwing things at me.

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