Chapter 37

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After getting into stuff, well, everything is back to normal. Almost everything. You were fixing your things for your class as your friends went down for breakfast already.

After getting your things, you went down the common room ready to head straight to your classroom not bothering to take some breakfast. You were on your way out when you were blocked by the evil queen. Natasha and her goons.

"Well, well, well. Look who's here" she started
"I don't know how you did those things to me. But it's priceless. Now your brother thinks I'm right. You really need to grow up" she laughed at you

"Keep your mouth shut and away from her" a familiar voice said
"What makes you think you can say that to me?" Natasha sneered
"I can make things worst for you" said the voice who's already beside you
"Whatever. You're still younger than us. That means I rule over you" Natasha said pointing at you and at the one beside you
"We'll see about that. Come on Y/N" said the young guy and pulled you out your common room

You were walking on your way to your Defense Against the Dark Arts class with the young guy who stood up for you.

"You didn't have to do that you know. But thanks" you smiled at him
"It's alright. I'll stood up for you anytime" he told you
"You really are one to keep" you told him
"You think so?" he asked you
"Yeah" you smiled at him
"Then keep me. For real" he told you jokingly
"Draco, stop it" you giggled
"It made you laugh" Draco said
"Giggle" you told him
"Fine enough for me" he smiled at you

You were in front of your classroom when your friends have catch up with you.

"You both didn't get breakfast" said Blaise
"Well, someone woke up late" said Caleb
"And someone doesn't want to say hi to the great hall" said Andrea
"Can we just, get inside?" you asked
"Yeah. Can we?" Draco asked
"Yeah, yeah. Okay you two" said Blaise

"Draco kinda argued with Natasha" you told your friends as you take a seat
"Really? What happened?" Andrea asked
"What did she do this time?" Caleb asked
"I'm sure Draco handled it anyways" said Blaise
"Yeah. Unless he got so annoyed" said Caleb
"Well, he didn't" you told them
"Good job mate" said Caleb and high fived with Draco

The time has come and the room was filled with all the students from Gryffindor and Slytherin in third year. You were all in your seats when the professor came in. Professor Snape.

"Where's professor Lupin?" you asked Hermione who was in the next table on your left
"I don't know" she whispered back
"Turn your books to page 394" said professor and so you did.
"Werewolves" you whispered
"Cool, huh?" said Caleb who was sitting next to you
"Well, yeah" you said and started to listen

After your class with professor Snape, you headed outside to your next class with professor McGonagall.

"I wonder where's professor Lupin?" you stated
"Yeah. Me too" said Andrea
"Probably got sick or something" said Millicent
"I wish he's not leaving" you told them
"Oh, please no. He's the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we had so far" said Andrea
"I agree" you told them
"So do I" said Millicent
"Where's the boys?" you asked
"Mingling" said Millicent and Andrea just rolled her eyes as you laugh.

After the whole day of going to your classes and being alone, you finally found yourself in the common room with your friends.

"So, what are your plans for Christmas break?" Blaise asked
"Nothing" Millicent said
"I'll probably be staying with Liam" you told them
"I'll come visit you often" said Caleb
"Thanks" you smiled
"So, how can we send you letters? We don't know Liam's address" said Draco
"I'll give it to you" you told them and waved your wand for parchment and quill.

A few moments later, you finally decided to go and get some sleep. You were really tired anyways.

Days have passed and you were on your way to the your next visit at Hogsmeade. You were with your friends as excited as you are the first time you went. You arrived at Hogsmeade with plans to where you are going already.

"I'll just be hanging around" said Draco and went on his way with some of his friends.
"Me and Blaise will be around too" said Caleb and they went on their way
"Well, I think it's girls day today" you smiled at your friends
"You bet!" Andrea exclaimed
"Finally!" Millicent exclaimed and you all shared a laugh.

After going around some shops with Millicent and Andrea, Caleb and Blaise had already joined your group. You were at Honeydukes buying some sweets before heading back to the castle.

"Don't tell me, those are for Harry" said Caleb picking some lollipops beside you
"Nope. I'm taking them home for Liam and Pia" you told him with a smile
"Oh. Okay. Do you think, he knows?" Caleb asked
"I don't know. Maybe" you told him.

After buying some sweets, you and your friends have decided to head straight back to the castle.

"Hey, where's Malfoy?" Blaise asked
"Not back yet" said Millicent
"Aaahhhhh!" you heard someone screaming and running
"That sounds like..." Caleb said
"Malfoy" you said with a laugh

Not long when Draco reached where you are panting. He run his way to you and screamed like someone being attacked by a beast.

"What the hell happened to you mate?" Blaise asked
"'s...a...ghost" Draco said catching his breath
"Did you see it?" Millicent asked a little excited
"No. There's nothing. Just snowballs flying and pulling us around" Draco was able to say
"Someone was just playing around with you" Caleb laughed
"Yeah. We see ghost everyday" you said
"Come on. Let's go back to the castle" said Andrea.

You were heading back to the castle when Blaise suddenly laughed.

"What's wrong?" you asked choking out a laugh
"I just remembered the look on Draco's face earlier" Blaise laughed and you all joined in except Draco.
"Come on stop it" said Draco and you all just walked back to the castle with a bit of laughter.

After a few weeks, your break has finally come. You were on your way back home. You were resting at your compartment with your friends waiting for your arrival at Kingscross to finally be home.

Once you reached the station, Liam and your dad were already waiting. You have wrote a letter to Liam telling him you would like to stay with him for the Christmas break which he gladly agreed.

You said goodbye to your friends and made your way to the car with Caleb and Chase who still isn't talking to you.

By the time you got home, you had a little rest and some snack. You talked to your mom and dad if you could stay with Liam for the break and be back at Christmas. And gladly, they said yes.

After an hour or so, you put your things in Liam's car before driving off to his flat in the muggle world. You sent Caleb home on your way as well. Your way to the muggle was very silent. Well, at least for you. You pretended to be asleep to avoid questions from Liam. But you'll surely tell him when you get to his flat.

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