Chapter 31

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The next day, you were all up early. You put on your robes and grabbed your bag with a book on your hand as well as Andrea and Millicent.

You went down stairs racing your friends to the common room.

"Good morning, ladies" greeted Blaise
"Good morning, gentlemen" you smiled at Blaise, Caleb and Draco
"Breakfast, shall we?" Caleb asked
"Of course!" Millicent exclaimed and you all went on your way.

Sitting in your usual place at your table, you enjoyed your breakfast with your friends. While Millicent drifted out with the quidditch players and Draco drifted out to his goons.

"I guess it's the four of us again" you stated
"I think it is" said Blaise
"Hey, it's fun" Caleb said
"Totally!" Andrea exclaimed
"Yeah. Magic four once again" you said
"We're back on business!" Blaise exclaimed and the four of you laughed.

After breakfast, you headed to your first class with the Gryffinfors, Care for Magical Creatures, which is going to be taught by Hagrid. You and your members of Magical four were walking down and out the castle when the Golden Trio joined your company.

"Hey!" you exclaimed and greeted the three Gryffindors
"Hey! How are you?" Ron asked

Your six friends kind of get along together now. They have talked while at your party and had a fun time. Though, Blaise wasn't that used to it.
You were walking side by side with Harry and Caleb talking about the class you were about to attend to.

"It's nice they've given Hagrid a shot" Caleb said
"Yeah. It's really awesome" you told them
"Considering his love for magical creatures, the job fits him" said Harry. While Hermione and Andrea talked and Blaise and Ron joked around.

You were all crowding in one place at the forest when Draco and his goons decided to pull on Harry acting like dementors. Hermione pulled Harry out of there sight and Draco and his goons laughed. You just shook your head once again on Draco's behavior.

"He really don't like Potter. We know that" said Caleb standing beside you
"And we have to deal with it" said Blaise who stood on your other side

"C'mon now. Follow me" said Hagrid who led you further in the forest. All of you were holding your Monster Book of Monsters with you very carefully.

"How do you open this thing?" you exclaimed as you reached your destination
"Tickle the spine" said Hermione and so you did and it opened
"Pretty amazing huh" said Harry who stood next to you
"You bet it is" said Caleb amazed standing on your other side

Just then, Hagrid introduced you to your first magical creature. A hippogriff. And just like what you suspected, it was a pet of Hagrid named Buckbeak. Hagrid then explained what a hippogriff is and how it took pride seriously.

"Now, who wants to ride 'im?" Hagrid asked. You were too amazed at the creature for you to move. You and Harry.
"Y/N!" Caleb, Blaise and Andrea half whispered half yelled at you. You looked behind you and everyone backed out and Caleb was a bout to pull you. But before he could...

"Harry and Y/N!" Hagrid said
Harry and you looked at each other as you swallowed and took a deep breathe
"Well, come on now. Just raise your hand and let it get closer to you" Hagrid said

Buckbeak bowed it's head and put his head on your hand as well as Harry's.

"Well done" said Hagrid "Now, you can ride him" he added and carried Harry
"Whoa. Hagrid. No" Harry protested but soon sat on Buckbeak's back.
"Whoa. Wait, wait. Oh my" you said as Hagrid carried you and placed you on Buckbeak's back behind Harry
"There you go. Now, you will fly" Hagrid told you and let Buckbeak do his thing

You screamed as Buckbeak took off shutting your eyes close as he flew you and Harry to the sky.

"Just hold onto me tight" said Harry and so you did. You hugged Harry feeling the air in your face letting your hair flow through it.

"This is amazing!" you exclaimed as Buckbeak flew you over the Black Lake and through the castle and over the forest
"Wohooo!" Harry shouted and the both of you laughed in the feeling of amazement.

Buckbeak soon flew you down to where your friends and classmates awaits to what happened to you. You climbed down Buckbeak laughing and feeling happy. Everyone cheered for you and Harry. And then you two ran back to your friends.

"It was amazing!" you exclaimed going back to your friends
"Where'd you go?" Andrea asked
"It flew us over the forest, the lake, the castle. It was really fun" you told them
"Ohh, I wanna try! But I'm still afraid" Andrea said
"I wanna try it too" Caleb said
"Me too!" Blaise exclaimed
"Me three!" Millicent added and you all laughed

As everyone cheered for you and Harry, Draco seemed not to care at all.

Draco's POV

That Potter thinks he's so cool. He's even got a ride with Y/N. I can't believe this.

I pushed passed everyone that is on the way and took my way to that hippogriff if it's really that dangerous.

"I bet you're not dangerous at all, are you? Are you, are you? You ugly great brute!" I said every step I take

Just then that damn creature stood on his two behind legs and everyone screamed.
"Draco!" I heard my friends called out to me
"Draco!" I heard and irritating voice. That could've been pug-faced Parkinson.

Just before that creature landed his front legs I covered my precious face with my hands and it's claws landed on my arm. It stings that it scratched through my flesh

"Oh, it's killing me! It's killing me!" I screamed feeling the pain
"My father will hear about this!" I exclaimed as Hagrid carried me. And before I closed my eyes still feeling the pain, I heard someone running towards us. She's a she. And she sounded worried.

"I'm coming with you" she said "He needs someone by his side when he wakes up" she added
"You really are a good friend miss. He's lucky he got friends like you. Come on now" said Hagrid
"Thanks, professor" she said
"Kind and nice, miss Wittham" Hagrid said and I completely let my eyes closed.

She'll be accompanying me. Y/N Wittham. Missing a class would be worth it for this. I just don't know for her. But at least I could see her when I wake up. Just then, everything went black.

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