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"A-At least your house doesn't smell of paint anymore." Hoseok mumbled out, feeling guilty watching Taehyung carry the heavy bags of food.

"Let me hel-"

"No it's okay princess, I don't want you getting hurt." Taehyung shook his head before setting the groceries down on the floor next to the fridge, resting his palms on his knees as he peaked up through his bangs to smile widley at hoseok.

Hoseok felt bad - he knew Taehyung meant well, but he could handle things on his own.

"Now, lets start putting these away shall we?" A smile grazed Taehyung lips, yet it almost seemed fake, Hoseok could see right through him.

Taehyung paused noticing how Hoseok had paused too, "Maybe I come round yours one day and we could have dinner there."

Hoseoks head sprung up, he had never cooked for anyone before apart from himself. "Afterall, I haven't even been inside your house! Now you've seen mine, you should show me yours too."

"I w-wont mind that I guess. But my cooking isn't the greatest." Hoseok breathed out, making his way past the counter to help Taehyung with the glasses.

The other reached over for a glass, propping it up on one of the kitchen shelf before giggling, "I didn't think you'd actually say yes, I-"
His speech was distrupted by the loud shattering of glass which slipped through shaking fingers, Taehyung hissed back, dodging the flying glass before his eyes instinctly desperately searched for Hoseok.

Glass scattered across the floor, surrounding the shaking boy almost like an ambush. Hoseok flinched before falling to the ground against the wall - Taehyung thanked to god there wasn't any glass where Hoseok had fallen back.

His hands covered his ears tightly, the sudden change in sound playing uncustom to his ears, not again. This can't happen again, not infront of Taehyung again.

"Hoseok!" Taehyung quickly dodged the glass on the floor, kneeling down infront of the shaking boy before him, noticing luckily that there wasn't any blood.

It all seemed too familiar, Taehyung wrapped his arms protectively over hoseoks shaking frame, "You really don't like loud noises, do you?" Taehyung lifted his fingers to gently wipe away the tears falling from hoseoks eyes.

"It's all my fault. Please stop crying. I hate it so much."

Hoseoks head snapped up, his tears seemingly put to hault noticing how the younger boy had been so distraught over something which wasn't his fault.

"T-Taehyung don't say that," His fingers found there way onto Taehyungs soft cheeks, running smooth circles over each of them. "It's not your fault, I just get scared quite easily. But when you are here, I calm down much quickly, see?"

Taehyung slowly looked into Hoseoks eyes, noticing how the elder had stopped crying and was now weakly portraying a frayed smile. They still sat on the floor, Hoseoks knees pressed to his chest, warm fingers attatched to Taehyungs beautiful face whilst he knelt down infront of him.

"I-I'm sorry if im so d-distant all of the time, i can't help it. But pl-please believe me when i say you help me get through i-it so much eeasier taehyung." Hoseoks shaky confession was all the boy needed to hear.

It was hot. Too hot in Taehyungs house, or that might just be the warmth radiating from both of the two boys, Taehyung couldn't help it.

Taehyungs hands made their way to steadily grip the underneath of Hoseoks thighs, picking him up from the ground before sitting the shaking boy down on the black marble counter. His legs wrapped around the younger males waist whimpering slightly.


"Don't speak." Taehyung panted out against hoseoks lips, leaning forward to connect their foreheads. His pants only became deeper feeling Hoseoks grip on his arms tighten, his whimpers becoming louder at the loss of contact.

Hoseok felt strong arms snake around his waist, forcefully pulling him forwards, their chests flushed together. His fingers clinged onto the back of Taehyungs shirt, tugging it slightly with all the mere strength he had left. He felt weak, he felt powerless underneath Taehyungs strong possessive hold, he wanted more, it wasn't enough.

Hoseok shut his eyes tightly, his head felt light, his smell and thoughts becoming intoxicated with the only person who mattered right now, Kim Taehyung. His name rolled of his tongue so smoothly, Hoseok couldn't restrain himself.

"Kiss me."

Taehyungs lust glazed eyes shone, tilting his head slightly his lips forcefully moulded against Hoseoks.

Gripping onto Taehyungs hair Hoseok edged him to go further, he placed his hand on the back of Taehyungs burning neck, pulling him forward which deepened the kiss.

Hoseok shivered feeling Taehyung nibble on his bottom lip, eagerly opening his mouth for Taehyung to slip his tongue inside. He ran his tongue along Hoseoks plush lips, pressing himself deeper against Hoseoks body once he heard hoseoks supressed whimper. He didn't want Hoseok to keep his voice quiet. He wanted to hear him. He wanted to know he was the one causing Hoseok to produce such sounds.

Taehyung disconected their lips, breathing heavily whith his cheeks flushed red, sweat dripping down the side of his forehead. Hoseok whimpered at the loss of contact, before resting their foreheads together once again, not breaking eye contact. He felt needed, he felt wanted. Taehyung secured his hands on hoseoks waist, leaning down so his lips ghosted over hoseoks neck.

"Taehyung!" Hoseoks head lolled back, the others soft lips beginning to suck harshly against the skin of his neck, planting kisses underneath his jawline whilst nibbling his collar bone slightly. His neck tingled as he found his fingers reposses their position in Taehyungs hair, pushing Taehyungs head further into his neck as it felt so good.

Taehyung leaned back slightly, admiring the beautiful work he had created. Hoseoks neck was littered with hickeys, he was Taehyungs.

"You're mine. I won't let anyone else touch or hurt you from now on. You're my baby boy, you got that?"


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