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"Hoseok? Are you okay? You keep on spacing out." The therapist sitting infront of Hoseok spoke, waving a small hand infront of his face.

Flinching back Hoseok coughed slightly, nodding his head not wanting to admit the feeling of anxiety that was constantly gnawing at his stomache.

She sighed, "Have you been taking the antidepressants I prescribed you a while ago?" The women grasped her fingers together in her lap, patiently waiting for a response.

Hoseok was hestiant to answer, he had taken one this morning before he came, but he didn't feel any different compared to how he usually is. "Y-Yes, I only recently started taking them again."

She frowned, writing something down on a piece of paper Hoseok couldn't decipher was. "Why did you stop taking them for a while? I prescribed them for you a while ago."

His face flushed red, "They j-just weren't doing anything. If anything i-i felt worse."

"That's not supposed to happen, they are meant to help you, Hoseok."

His eyes teared up, "Well maybe they work on everyone but me."

There was a slight pause, "Hoseok, have you had any thoughts about hurting yourself recently?"

Hoseok gently wiped away the tear which had dripped down his cheek, "n-no"


"Are you telling the truth?"




"Well, is there anyone who has been making you happy lately? A relative or a friend maybe?"

Hoseok subconsiously smiled, "Yes, there is." His heart wrenched, he missed Taehyung. Even though it had been a day and a bit since they last saw eachother, he longed for the others warm touch.

She smiled, "Well, maybe try spending as much time with that person as possible? That will make you feel better."

"O-Okay, I will." He stuttered out, the oncoming warmth from his cheeks couldn't have gone unnoticed.

"I see you are getting happy just by the mere thought of them."


Hoseok stepped out into the brittle cold air, wrapping his scarf tighter around his neck. reaching into his pocket he glanced at his phone lock screen.

2 messages from taetae - sent 22 minutes ago.

taetae: how are you today baby?

taetae: come round later. i miss you.

hoseok: i missed you too

hoseok: okay, ill be around soon

taetae: where are you? i can pick you up.

hoseok: no its okay

taetae: okay, ill see you soon princess.

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