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Minutes had passed, Jeongguks faint voice playing almost like a backing track in Taehyungs mind as all he could think about was Hoseok.

Looking up from his lap Taehyung bit the inside of his cheek.

"Do you remember-"

"Can you wait here for a second? I'm going to check on Hoseok." Taehyung interrupted, Jeongguks eyes flashing annoyance mixed with anger which taehyung quickly ignored.

Stepping through the bathroom door Taehyung listened carefully, Hoseoks quite sobs surfacing throughout the room.

Taehyung quickly ran towards the furthest bathroom stall, eyes setting upon a fragile Hoseok sitting on the floor with knees pressed tightly against his chest.

"What's wrong baby?" Taehyung whispered, leaning down to come face to face with the upset boy.

"I-I hate myself." Hoseok brokenly stuttered out, Taehyungs eyes deepening at the sudden self hatred.

"Don't say that." Taehyung sternly said, eyes trailing towards Hoseoks shaking arm, his fingers now roughly squeezing and scratching at his bandaged wrist.

Eyes widening Taehyung pulled Hoseoks hand away from his damaged arm, holding it tightly in his grasp to stop him from hurting himself.

"W-What are you doing?"

Taehyungs arms wrapped around the others body, pulling Hoseok against his chest whilst ignoring the tears blurring his vision accompanied with a heavy feeling in his chest.

"I-I want to go home."


Walking through Taehyungs front door Hoseoks nerves seemingly didn't calm, even after seeing the all familiar architecture which was Taehyungs house.

Hoseok looked down at his arm, bandage now stained a light shade of red. He stood there still, ignoring taehyungs questioning look before the overwhelming urge to get away from everything occupied his mind.

Sniffing Hoseok pressed his weak arms to Taehyungs side and pushed him away, the younger nearly falling over at the sudden action before a look of pain decorated his features.

"I don't deserve you,
I-I shouldn't even be here."

Hoseok whispered out, fists clenching at his sides before bringing a finger to harshly jab at his wrist, he needed to feel pain - something to let him know he was unfortunatley alive and still a human being.

The blood now seeped to the surface of the bandage, a deep shade of red now replacing the once white material.

"Stop!" Taehyung yelled with tears streaming down his cheeks, fingers coming up to reach out to the elder before adverting his gaze to the kitchen.

His legs ran quickly into the room before his fingers wrapped around the handle of a knife, his lips thinning in despair before dragging the blade across his palm - blood trailing to the surface as his hand began to shake at the sudden conflict.

"This is what I feel everytime I hear you say you want to die!"

Hoseoks eyes widen at Taehyungs actions, mouth opening in shock before watching the younger boys eyes grow dark, palm now dripping blood which fell to the floor.

Backing himself up against the wall behind him Hoseok felt his legs grow frail.

Taehyung dropped the knife to the floor, face distorted in a mixture of sadness and pain accompanied by heavy breathing - eyes clouded over with a layer of anger.

His arms roughly made their way to grip onto Hoseoks hips, bringing him towards his chest before pressing Hoseok roughly into the wall, a loud groan leaving his lips as his head painfully hit the surface.

"What do I have to do to show you how much I love you?"

Hoseoks lips trembled at the verocity of Taehyungs voice before a loud sob escaped his lips, tears now falling down his face at a constant rate.

At this Taehyungs fingers pressed deeper into the sides of Hoseoks hips, Hoseok letting out a loud gasp of pain choked down by his crying at the sudden move.


"What do I have to do to show you how beautiful you are, huh?" Taehyung growled out.

Shaking his head from side to side Hoseoks heart stopped at the sound of Taehyungs voice, hands pressing themselves against Taehyungs chest in an attempt to push him away.

"Do I need to do this?"

Taehyung lowly spoke, his eyes darting towards Hoseoks neck before his lips attatched onto his soft pale skin.

Gasping out Hoseoks hands fell limp against Taehyungs chest, his body heating up as Taehyungs teeth grazed deeply against his skin before sucking a spot on hoseoks neck which made his knees buckle.

Taehyungs cold fingers ran up Hoseoks chest, running his hands over hoseoks stomach before his fingers lowered to play with the hem of Hoseoks jeans.

"S-Stop!" Hoseok pleaded out, mouth opening wider as the younger ignored his words and moved his mouth to create blossoming marks against his collar bones, hands now lifting up the Hoseoks shirt greedily before pressing his knee inbetween his thighs.

"Stop!" Hoseok yelled between his trembling lips, his arms now finding strength before pushing Taehyung away, the younger falling to the floor with a loud thud.

Taehyungs eyes stared at the ground, body deathly still apart from his hands shaking at his sides until slowly lifting his head, eyes filled with such fear it almost made Hoseok pity him.

"H-Hoseok." Taehyung whispered out, the name so fragile on his lips. Attempting to stand up he lifted his hand out to reach for the elder.

"S-Stay away f-from me." Hoseok brokenly replied, voice laced with fear.

Taehyungs face paled, eyes trailing over the different shades of red and purple hickeys on Hoseoks neck and collarbones which stood out painfully in contrast to his pale skin.

Hoseok backed up against Taehyungs front door, hands playing with the door handle before weakly exiting Taehyungs blackening vision.

"H-Hoseok..." Taehyung cried out, hands coming up to grab onto the locks of his hair before the strong smell of blood made its way to his nose, his palm now littered with dry blood.

At this moment, Taehyung
wanted to dissapear.

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