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Hoseok found himself waking up on the sofa in his living room, after the incident with Jeongguk he had no motivation to go out and opted to lying down on his sofa for hours on end. He shocked himself at how long he could sleep for.

It was currently 9:41am, Hoseoks eyes widening once he realised he was going to be late for his part time. Leaving the comforts of the sofa his eyes searched for his phone, staring at the many missed calls and texts he had - all from taehyung.

A pang of guilt hit im right in the stomach, realising last night he hadn't picked up his phone once since it was on silent.

Reading the last message he sighed before typing back an answer.

Taetae: please reply, i'm

hoseok: i'm okay, stop
worrying. just have a good time.

After shutting off his phone it was only then Hoseok realised how tired he was. Hoseok ran a hand down his face, he had just been sleeping for who knows how long and he was tired?

This was normal for him, waking up and still feeling tired.

Standing in the middle of his living room he felt like he couldn't move - his arms and legs feeling limp and the slightest movement of his head caused considerable pain, the voices in his head not helping his situation either.

Finding the strength to move Hoseok stumbled his way to the bathroom, desperatley opening his container of antidepressants before emptying a few into his hands.

Hoseok knew it was stupid, he knew taking 3 pills at a time wasn't the best idea but he was desperatley clinging onto anything that would make the bad thoughts and drowning feelings of saddness dissapear.

Coughing them down with water Hoseok gripped the edge of his bathroom sink, wiping the back of his hand against his mouth.

You really think taking 3 at a time would make things all better long shot? You're pathetic.

Shaking his head side to side his breathing deepened, gripping onto the side of his head he groaned at the awful feeling in his stomache.

Taking them without eating beforehand as well? Look at you - good thing Taehyung isn't here to see this.

"Stop!" Hoseok growled, slamming the cabnet shut.

He needed Taehyung here before he did anything stupid.



"Hoseok, are you listening to me?" Seokjins irritated voice yelled from behind the counter, watching as Hoseok didn't respond once to the sound of his own name.

He was out of it - he didn't feel good at all. Shaking his head he removed his gaze from the spot on the wall he had been staring at for the past few minutes, turning around to look at an annoyed Seokjin.

"Will you please clean up the tables and bring over the empty mugs?"

Nodding his head at seokjins request he felt ashamed that he had to be told to do his job, something he had been doing for ages.

Walking to a table he grabbed a couple mugs before cleaning the surface with a cloth, walking behind the counter and placing the cups into a sink.

"Could you please take these two drinks to their customers, we're really busy today." Seokjin muttered out, placing two drinks infront of hoseok before pointing to two seperate customers.

"S-Sure." Hoseok began, carefully picking up one of the drinks before walking over to a booth.

"Here's your dri-."

"This isn't what I ordered?" The woman spat, peering into the drink hoseok had handed her in confusion.

"O-Oh sorry I bought over the wrong-"

"Just forget it." The woman angrily huffed, about to stand up and leave before Seokjin quickly made his way over with a look of anger crossing his face.

"What's happened here? Hoseok, go to the back room now, I'll meet you in there." Seokjin scolded, watching as Hoseoks embarrassed gaze dropped to the floor.

Nodding his head Hoseok placed the drink on the table, miserably making his way to the back room with much regret.

Sitting down on one of the chairs Hoseok froze hearing the door open, an angry Seokjin opening the door with much force before shutting it once again.

"What's wrong with you today?" The elder angrily asked, folding his arms over his chest waiting for the latter to answer.


"What? I can't hear you Hoseok."

"I-I can't do this anymore."

"What do you m-" Seokjins voice was cut off by Hoseoks chair screeching against the floor, the younger abruptly standing up as his eyes glossed over with tears.

He needed to get out of here. Harshly brushing past Seokjin his weak legs ran as fast as they could - ripping the cafe door open his body came in contact with the harsh blowing of winds, face littered with a mixture of rain and his own tears.

His vision blurred as he roughly dragged the back of his sleeve against his watering eyes, lips quivering at the freezing cold weather - his now soaking wet clothes clinging onto the outline of his body.

Unsure of where he was going his legs carried him faster past rows of streets until he eventually recognised his surroundings, stopping to catch his breath.

It was the bridge he and Taehyung had visited, a smile almost making its way to his lips at the memory. Dropping to his knees his legs roughly hit the concrete ground, hands laying limp by his sides as he stared at the floor with no emotion in his eyes - sneezing in the process.

Falling to the floor his back hit the side of the bridge, roughly laying his head back against it.

The storm became louder and louder, Hoseok whimpering as the sudden outburst of thunder hurt his head, "T-Taehyung." he shakily gasped out, hugging his knees to his chest in hopes of warming himself up - missing the youngers touch his mind desperatley clung onto the memory of Taehyungs protective hands touching his body.

"I-I wan't to be n-normal."

And as the day grew darker, so did Hoseoks thoughts.

At this moment, Hoseok wished
he was dead.

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