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Sitting at his desk hoseok breathed deeply, gently massaging the sides of his head.

It had been a couple days since he had seen the younger, but throughout that period of time he was able to complete the ton of overdue work and reply to numerous amounts of emails waiting to be answered.

Leaning back in his chair he let out a yawn. it was late in the afternoon, and Hoseok to his delight didn't have any work to attend to on his computer.

Right at that moment his phone vibrated against his bed, standing up from his seat he lazily draped across the surface of his comforting bed.

1 message from: taetae - 30 seconds ago.

taetae: hey baby. want to come over?
that's if you aren't working.

Biting his bottom lip he frowned, there was no reason he couldn't come over, he had finished all of his work after all.

hoseok: okay. work has really
been stressing me out.

Grabbing his hoodie he placed his phone in his pocket, checking himself in the reflection of his bathroom mirror before quickly leaving, not wanting to venture down the path of bad thoughts and self hatred.


"Hello beautiful." Taehyung opened the door with a wide smile before stepping forward to carress hoseoks cheeks in between the palms of his hands, placing a light kiss to his nose.

Blushing heavily Hoseok looked at his feet, feeling ashamed of himself for still feeling awkward and unresponsive when it came to taehyung showing signs of affection.

Stepping inside Taehyung shut the door behind the two, snaking his arms around Hoseoks waist he lightly whispered into his ear, "I missed you."

About to respond, Hoseoks eyes fell on a sight he prayed every night to not have to see again.

Jeongguk held a light smirk on his face, fiddling with the straw from the drink he held in his hands.

Frowning at the lack of response Taehyung followed Hoseoks uncertain gaze. "Ah, Jeongguks here too. I thought we could all hang out?"

Suppressing a gulp Hoseok nodded his head, placing his hands ontop of Taehyungs own to remove them from his waist. Taehyung pouted at the action, before a smile quickly replaced his features.

An awkward silence hung thickly in the air until it was cut off by Taehyungs ring tone. reaching for his phone Taehyungs eyes widened, "I'll be right back."

Taehyung walked out of the room with his phone held against his ear, leaving the other two alone.

Neither of them spoke, Hoseok shifted uncomfortably on his feet until he walked into he kitchen, the younger trailing after him not too far behind.

Leaning against the marble counter Hoseok folded his arms. It wasn't silent, the pounding of his heart was so loud he was sure even Jeongguk could hear it. Hoseoks head shot up as Jeongguk slowly took a step towards him, his eyes not leaving Hoseoks own.

Jeongguk kept his eyes focused on Hoseoks small frame, silently chuckling in amusemant. slightly irritated, Hoseoks lips fell downwards.

"W-Why are you-"

"I heard you don't like loud noises." Jeongguk remarked, his feet stopping once he was a few inches away from the other boy.

Hoseoks eyes widened. He felt his hands shake, a wave of embarrassment washing over him. Taehyung must have told him. There was no other way he could have found out. His cheeks flushed red and his head hurt, probably because he felt ashamed or wasn't used to being so close to another human that wasn't Taehyung.

"You look hot," Jeongguk whispered, bringing a finger up to lightly trace the sides of Hoseoks butning hot face. "let me get you a drink."

Stepping back Jeongguk walked over to grab a glass, whilst Hoseok let out a ragged breath he didn't know he was holding in. Fumbling with his sleeves he prayed for Taehyung to return quickly.

"Here you go, princess."

Jeongguk gripped the glass of water in his hands, Hoseok reached out to grab it before,


Seconds later he watched as it fell from the youngers grasp, smashing loudly against the floor. The sudden noise traveling quickly to Hoseoks ears, everything at that moment was much louder than usual.

Stumbling back Hoseoks heart stopped momentarily, a gasp left his lips whilst his tear stained eyes met with fascinated others.

Slouching against the wall Hoseok hid his head in between his chest and his legs, panick building up inside of him as he felt his jeans dampen at the puddle of water on the floor.

He was embarrassed, angry and hurt. His mixed emotions hurt his chest incredibly and all he could think of was this is all your fault. this is all your fault.

A sob escaped his lips, he could sense the youngers presence infront of him and with that attempted to press himself further against the wall.

"What happened here?" Hoseoks eyes shot open upon hearing Taehyungs voice. Lifting his shaking head up he was about to speak, opening his mouth until he was cut off.

"Hoseok hyung was getting himself a drink before he dropped it and it smashed everywhere." Jeongguk rapidly explained, kneeling down to reach Hoseoks level his rough fingers rubbed Hoseoks shoulder in a caring manner.

Hoseok felt disgusted, flinching away from Jeongguks touch more tears rapidly left his eyes, wanting nothing more than for Taehyung to hold him tight in his arms.

"Baby, are you alright?" Taehyung breathed out, "this is the second time this has happened, I'm so sorry."

Hoseok clung desperatly onto Taehyungs sleeves, feeling the younger lift him up into his arms. A quiet squeak left his lips, his arms wrapping quickly around Taehyungs neck not wanting to be dropped.

Hoseoks head slumped against Taehyungs chest, feeling a sense of warmth and peace, once again. He was soon welcomed with soft sheets, head resting against a comforting pillow.

Taehyungs room. Something he had come to love.

"I'm sorry. It's not your fault, nothing was your fault." Taehyung whispered into his ear, carding his fingers through Hoseoks soft brown hair.

Taehyung unzipped Hoseoks jumper, taking it off before pressing the back of his hand against the elders foreheard. "You're boiling baby," He sadly breathed out, nuzzling his nose into hoseoks neck who was half asleep. "I'm sorry I wasn't there."

Wanting to respond, but not finding the strength to be able to Hoseok kept quiet.

A few minutes passed, Hoseok not missing the quiet sniffles from the boy hugging his trembling body, the boys tears dripping down his neck, damping his shirt. Those tears which did not belong to Hoseok.

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