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Walking through the cafe door Hoseoks heart beat increasingly faster, Taehyungs hot breath fanning the back of his neck in a calming manner.

"Hoseok!" Jimin yelled, a wide smile playing his lips before running over to catch the elder in a tight hug.

Hoseok squeaked slightly but smiled into the youngers warm embrace, wrapping his arms around Jimin who had seemingly missed him a lot.

"I missed you hyung." Jimin breathed out, pulling back - smile gradually fading once his eyes set upon the figure behind Hoseok shooting daggers into his pale skin.

Frowning Hoseok noticed Jimins discomfort, turning around to face Taehyung who held a look of uncertainty on his face.

"Ah, Taehyung. This is Jimin. I've told you about him before briefly remember?"

At this Jimin blushed lightly, head hung low whilst his fingers fumbled together to portray a flustered image.

Taehyungs gaze softened but ever so lightly, a frown still present on his features before nodding.

"H-Hi." Jimin stuttered out, hand coming to cover his mouth out of embarrassment - he was a very shy person.

Waiting for a response from Taehyung Hoseok sighed, stepping infront of Taehyung before grabbing his hand.

"What's wrong?" Hoseok whispered against the others mouth.

Taehyung sighed, pressing a kiss to Hoseoks lips before running a hand through his once perfectly styled hair. "Nothing, don't worry about it."

Not convinced at his response Hoseok just nodded, turning back to face Jimin whos cheeks now maintained there normal colour.


Hoseoks ears pearked up at the sound of Seokjins voice, the older male making his way over with a small smile on his face, apron all messed up with dusted flour which Jimin attempted to brush off.

"Are you alright? You scared me a few days ago when you got up and left."

Hoseok felt guilty, that days events playing in his mind and he took a deep breath before replying. "I-I'm sorry."

"No no don't apologise, I'm just happy you are okay."

It was silent until the sound of the shop door opening echoed throughout the cafe, Jimins eyes lightening once he noticed who it was before raising a hand to wave at the person.


Hoseok froze against Taehyungs chest, fists clenching at his sides whilst gulping heavily - suddenly he feels like he's about to be sick.

Taehyungs head spun around in confusion, eyes resting upon Jeongguks figure standing beneath the entrance to the cafe.


Jeongguks confused voice spoke before beeming at the other, Taehyung stepping forward to then wrap the younger in his arms in a hug.

Hoseok felt emotionless, he didn't even notice Jimins saddened expression peering closely over his shoulder. "Do they know eachother?"

Hoseok could sense hurt in the youngers voice which hurt hoseoks heart. Ripping his gaze from the two before him he turned to face Jimin, "They've known e-eachother for a while Jimin, they're just friends."

"How do you know Jimin, Jeongguk?" Taehyung questioned, removing his arms around Jeongguk before stepping to the side for the other to walk forward.

"I usually come to this cafe the days Jimin works here, it's a really nice cafe. I've known Jimin for a few weeks now." Jeongguk explained with a wide smile, Hoseok was just thankful the youngers attention wasn't on him.

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