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Hoseok glanced up at Taehyungs clock, 5:34pm.

Letting out a yawn Hoseok stretched in Taehyungs arms, "Tired baby?" Taehyung whispers into Hoseoks neck, moving to press light kisses across his jaw.

Nodding his head Hoseok rubbed his eyes, "Only a little."

He needed to take his medication, but he was unsure of how to do that without Taehyung knowing since the boy was glued to him.

He felt guilty. He didn't like keeping things from Taehyung, and the other had the right to know. But Hoseok was embarrassed, no matter how many times Taehyung will kiss away his worries and tell him he has nothing to be ashamed of - he cant help but hate himself for it.


At the sound of his name Taehyung looked down at the other sat on his lap, "Yes?"

Shuffling slightly Hoseok fiddled with his fingers, "I-I need to go and get something from my house, b-but you can come if you like."

Face reddening from his stuttering he felt Taehyungs hold against his waist tighten, "I'd love to, first time I would have actually been inside your house." Taehyung finished by pressing his nose against Hoseoks cheek lightly.

Pushing himself up from Taehyungs lap he smiled seeing the pout on the boys face at the loss of contact.

Taehyung stood up, reaching for Hoseoks hand he began to walk towards his front door, grabbing a black hoodie on his way before draping it over hoseoks shoulders.

Flinching slightly Hoseok calmed at Taehyungs actions, eyes raking over his figure noticing Taehyung wasn't wearing enough clothing for this cold weather.

"No, you take this. you'll be so cold t-Taehyung."
Hoseok went to grab the hoodie over his shoulders before a hand held his tightly stopping him from doing so.

"I'll be fine."

"No, but-"

"I'll wear this, okay?" Taehyung held up a black jacket, he didn't want Hoseok to worry about him.

Giving the flimsy jacket a look Hoseok nodded, "Let's go princess." Taehyung excitedly spoke.


stepping into his house hoseok sighed at how unclean it all looked. not being in his house for the majority of the time, and the times he was in his house he was doing work leaving him little time to clean.

"sorry about the mess..." hoseok wandered off, flicking the light switch on next to the door. the house lit up and the two could actually see where they were going - the sky increasingly becoming darker as time went by left hoseoks house daunting and surrounded in pitch black.

"thats okay, i don't mind." taehyung walked throughout hoseoks house, into the kitchen and living room. "this reminds me," taehyung began, his eyes glistening with enjoyment. "of when the first time i came to your house."

hoseok shuddered at the memory, "you were so flirty,"

"not much has changed." they both said simultaneously, both of them giggling after finishing.

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