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Hoseok didn't leave his position from the sofa until he heard the door close ever so quietly.

Standing up on shaking legs he made his way to the front door, eyes immediatlely latching onto a familiar figure.

Jeongguk noticed Hoseoks presence, the boy stopping his conversation with Taehyung before smiling sweetly towards Hoseok.

suppressing a scoff, Hoseok smiled back weakly. "Ah, Hoseok, this is Jeongguk." Taehyung introduced, snaking an arm around hoseoks torso before gesturing to Jeongguk.

Hoseok had to stop himself from saying he knew, he knew well who he was. "H-Hi" he stuttered out despite the sickening feeling in the pit of his stomache. The younger just nodded his head, before sliding his coat off and removing his shoes.

"Jeongguk, let me get you a drink." Taehyung smiled, his grip on Hoseok loosening as he made his way towards the kitchen.

"Thanks Taehyung hyung." Jeongguk followed Taehyungs steps, not missing the chance to shoot Hoseok a disgusted glare.

He wasn't suprised. Hoseok hid the hurt expression edging its way onto his face whilst he stood unsure of what to do. "Hoseok, are you coming?" Taehyungs voice echoed from the kitchen, his head popping around the corner underneath the white door frame.

Hoseoks smile failed to reach his eyes, as he gently nodded his head not wanting to make Taehyung upset. Jeongguk leaned casually against Taehyungs kitchen table, speaking loudly whilst laughing every few sentances about something hoseok was completely unaware of.

Watching as Taehyungs eyes lit up while laughter emitted from his mouth warmed hoseoks heart, yet hurt him knowing he wasn't the cause. He felt out of place, like he was invading a secret he shouldn't have known about.

Continuing to bicker about a old childhood memory, Jeongguk happily accepted the drink Taehyung had made him, eyes not leaving the others for a second.

Hoseok sighed, reaching for his phone until his eyes clicked upon a message notification.

from: therapist noona - 12 minutes ago.

therapist noona: have you taken your pills today?

Eyes widening at the text Hoseok paused. he had been too distracted hanging out with Taehyung it completley slipped his mind. Hoseok knew how bad it was to skip days, it messed up his medication timetable - it wasn't wise and would ultimatley end up making him feel worse.

Hoseok lied. He was getting good at it.

hoseok: yes i have.

Shutting his eyes tightly he slipped his phone back into his jean pocket, running a hand through his unwashed hair.

"Tae-" Hoseok began but was quickly cut off by the sound of Jeongguks obnoxiously loud laugh, followed by Taehyung playfully hitting the side of his arm.

"Taehyung, I need to g-" Hoseok didn't fnish his sentance, not expecting Taehyung to hear him anyway as his meak voice barely rose above a whisper.

With tears blurring his vision he slipped off into Taehyungs room, grabbing his clothes from the previous day. His feet dragged him towards Taehyungs front door, fingers shakily reaching for the handle before stepping out into the freezing cold air, Hoseok didn't mind.

Gently shutting the door the walk to his house felt ages away, although they were only a door apart.

Hoseok couldn't remember the last time he had been in his house, his mind had been occupied with the way Taehyungs fingers held him with such care and possess the past few days.

Weakly walking to the bathroom he dry swallowed one pill, not wanting to exceed the limit. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand his eyes wandered over to the mirror hanging limply off its edges, one touch and it would break, but Hoseok wouldn't mind.

He looked a mess, but he wasn't suprised. Not having gone a while with a shower he was even more disgusted in himself than he was before.

His eyes gripped onto the hem of his shirt, Taehyungs shirt, and lifted it over his head. neatly piling Taehyungs clothes onto his bathroom counter he made a mental note to return them to Taehyung when he next got the chance.

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