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"I'm so happy we are working together today!" Jimin exclaimed, gripping onto Hoseoks arm whilst jumping up and down.

Chuckling at the boys excitement he placed a hand on Jimins shoulder to calm him down, now standing still his eyes grew increasingly brighter.

"You two, stop standing around and attend to customers." Seokjins voice spoke quietly, pointing to the customers who were either lining up to order or sitting at a booth.

Jimin pouted momentarily before regaining his normal smiling attire, "Okay hyung."

Shaking his head slightly Hoseok breathed out in a tired manner, "Something wrong?" Seokjin asked, placing a hand on Hoseoks shoulder. looking up in suprise he shrugged, "Nothing really, just kind of tired."

"When are you not tired." Seokjin said, a giggle leaving his mouth after watching Hoseok not deny his statement.

Hoseok watched as Seokjin walked behind the counter whilst Jimin attended a customer at a booth, reaching over to grab a mop he started sweeping the floors.


Time seemed to go by slowly, the cafe was busy today and Seokjin was thankful the two boys were both working at the same time.

Hoseok watched as the gleaming boy walked over to a customer, carrying their desired drink in his hand. Breaking his gaze from the other Hoseok looked back down at the cash register he was currently fiddling with.

"Here's your-"

Jimins voice was cut off by an angry gasp and the scraping of a chair against a tiled floor. "What have you done?"

"I-I'm sorry I-I didn't-" Jimins broken voice stuttered, hands shaking at his sides.

Looking up Hoseoks eyes widened, gaze fixuated on a customer with light brown liquid spilled all over their white buttoned up shirt, and a scared Jimin holding a now empty mug.

"Do you think that's good enough? Do your fucking job properly!" The man yelled, reaching out to grip Jimins shirt collar tightly and roughly jolt him forward.

Gasping in pain Jimins eyes leaked, "I-I can get y-you a new dr-"

"That's not going to get rid of the stain on my shirt is it?" The man yelled, noticably taller than Jimin his face grew increasingly red out of anger. Hoseok couldn't watch this any longer.

Quickly grasping Jimins shoulders he pulled him out of the mans hold and pushed him to the side. "Look, he apologi-"


Hoseoks head painfully swung to the side, his cheek stinging at the sudden hit.

"H-Hyung." Jimin whispered out with watering eyes, hands coming up to cover his mouth in shock as he watched Hoseok supress a sob.

"Leave now before I call the police." Seokjins stern voice bellowed from the entrance of the shop, holding the door open for the man to leave.

Scoffing whilst shouting profanities at the two shaking boys the man left, leaving Seokjin to shake his head in disgust before rushing over to Hoseok.

"H-Hyung, y-your face." Jimin stuttered out, brining a shaking hand up to gently carress Hoseoks slowly bruising cheek.

Choking back a gasp of pain Hoseok grabbed Jimins hand, leaving it on his cheek for a second enjoying the coolness of the boys hand on his burning hot cheek.

"Hoseok, you can go home for the rest of the day, you need to rest anyway. I am so sorry."
Seokjin sighed out, turning around to bow and apologise to other customers present in the cafe.

"Are you going to be okay?" Jimin pulled his hand back, tears dripping down his face at a constant rate, guilt washing over him as hoseoks cheek was now a light shade of purple.

"I-I will, don't work yourself up over this okay? it wasn't your fault." Hoseok said sadly, wiping away Jimins tears with the end of his jumper sleeve.

Jimin nodded his head, looking down at the floor.

At this moment, Hoseok wanted nothing more than to be in Taehyungs arms.


Fiddling with the key in his hand that Taehyung gave him, he unlocked Taehyungs door and opened it slowly, unsure if the younger was in or not.

Sniffling Hoseok frowned realising the house was seemingly empty, "T-Taehyung?" He coughed out, throat burning.

When he didn't get an answer back Hoseok felt like crying, stepping into the kitchen he checked if Taehyung was in there listening to music through his headphones.

Checking the study room his sad eyes landed on the piano, a smile forming on his lips remembering Taehyung play for him.

Walking up the stairs Hoseok tried keeping as silent as possible, maybe Taehyung was sleeping.

Opening the door to Taehyungs bedroom Hoseok paused, hearing a shuffling sound
coming from the bathroom.

"Tae-" Hoseok was cut off by a loud choke, his eyes widening before quickly reaching for the bathroom handle and tugging it open.

Taehyungs body shook, his face deathly pale whilst his fingers curled at the back of his throat, watering eyes widening once he heard a gasp come from behind him.

"w-what are y-you d-doing." Hoseok whispered out, stumbling back clutching onto the side of the door to stop himself from falling.

A violent gag echoed throught the bathroom, Taehyung spat out the contents of his stomache into the toilet bowl before bringing a hand to cover his swolen lips, nausea eating away at his insides.

"T-Taehyung." Hoseok sobbed, his heart breaking at the sight of the trembling boy on the floor.

Everything around him stopped. Shaking his head he quickly moved to wrap his arms tightly around Taehyungs waist, pulling him back from the toilet, back hitting Hoseoks chest as a pained gasp broke from his mouth. The smell of vomit made Hoseoks stomach churn, bringing a hand up to push the hair out of Taehyungs hot forehead he desperatly tried soothing the trembling younger.

"Sshh, It's okay." Hoseok whispered into his ear, rocking back and forth as he felt Taehyungs sob racked body calm down slightly.

Moving further away from the toilet Hoseok moved Taehyung to sit on his lap, hands fumbling to remove the hoodie he was wearing as the boy was burning hot.

Turning around in Hoseoks lap Taehyung buried his face into Hoseoks neck, his slim frame pressing against Hoseoks chest wanting comfort.

Gently clutching the back of Taehyungs head Hoseok supressed a cry, "I-I'm here n-now."

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