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Scrolling through his phone Hoseok sat at his kitchen table, eyes feeling heavy yet he forced himself to stay conscious.

He didn't want to be alone, not alone, but more like he didn't want to feel lonely. Grabbing his jacket he laced up his shoes, dismissing the deep feeling of pain that filled his heart to the brim when he passed Taehyungs house.



Hoseok smiled walking into he cafe he worked at, waving slightly to Seokjin who stood behind the counter. "What are you doing here? It's your day off."

Playing with his fingers he sat at a vacant booth, sitting comfortably on the black leather seat. "I had nowhere to go and I-I wanted company, so I came here."

Seokjin a eyes lit up, about to speak before a boy abruptly cut him off. "Hoseok!"

Hoseoks eyes followed the sound of a high pitched voice echoing throughout the small cafe. "Hey Jimin."

The brown haired boy held a mop in one hand before excitedly giving Hoseok a small high five with the other. Chuckling slightly Hoseok brushed his palms against the others, watching in amusmant as Jimins smile seemed to widen by each second.

"How comes you never work when i'm working." Jimin huffed out, propping his head on his hands with support from the top of the mop.

"Don't blame me, blame Seokjin. He's the manager."

Furrowing his eyebrows together Jimin lightly hit seokjin a shoulder in annoyance. Seokjin gasped, "What do you think you're doing? I'm your hyung!"

Hoseok watched as the two increasingly started to argue, a feeling of warmth spreading throughout his body before raising his hand to order a drink.

"You work here, you can just make one yourself you know." Seokjin waved him off, walking towards the counter before processing Hoseoks order.

Shrugging, Hoseok offered to help Jimin clean up, but was kindly rejected. "No, you look tired enough hobi hyung."

"I don't look that tired do I?" Glancing towards the shop window his eyes set upon his reflection. It was true, he had dark circles beneath his eyes which no matter amount of sleep he got they would not dissapear.

His attention quickly changed to the sudden change in weather. It was getting late, his day consiting of walking out of Taehyungs house feeling like he had been stabbed multiple times in the heart to longing for that feeling of warmth from his friends company.

Rain poured down ever so slightly, the earth soaking up the skies tears as the rain fell down increasingly faster.

"Here's your drink." Seokjin placed the warm beverage infront of Hoseok, dragging him out of his trance. The younger thanked him before wrapping his hands around the mug to warm his cold fingers.

Looking to the side once more he sighed, leaning his forehead against the cool surface of the window.

"What are you thinking about?"

Flinching back Jimins face was inches away from his own, a cheeky grin making its way onto the youngers face.

"Nothing much." Hoseok breathed out, blowing onto his drink in an attempt to cool it down.

Leaning back in his chair Jimin played with the strings of his apron, "What about you?" Hoseok asked.

"I could say the same." Jimin glanced up at Hoseok, smiling once he saw Hoseok relax noticably while drinking the soothing drink.

Hoseoks phone suddenly vibrated against the surface of the table, suprising both of the boys. His phone rang thoughout the cafe and Jimin didn't fail to notice the look of uncertainty painting the elders features.

"I'll leave you to get that." Jimin yawned out, fixing his hair in the reflection of the window before leaving the booth Hoseok was in.

Hoseok clenched onto his phone.

incoming call: taetae.

Accepting the call Hoseok lifted the phone to his ears.


"Hoseok? where did you go today?"

Hoseok almost smiled at the sound of worry tainting the other boys voice.

"i tried to tell you i had
to go, b-but you didn't hear.

"i'm so sorry Hoseok, i-"

"it's okay Taehyung."

"where are you now?"

"i'm at the cafe i work in, i'm
hanging around with Jimin
and Seokjin."

The phone line went silent, and Hoseok had to check that the younger hadn't hung up on him.

"what about you? are you
still with Jeongguk?

Biting his lip Hoseok fiddled nervously with the handle of his mug.

"no, he left just now."

A wash of relief ran throughout Hoseoks body. There was no denying Jeongguk made Hoseok feel uncomfortable, even the youngest knew what he was doing.

"Can you come round tonight?"
Taehyungs voice was laced with want, he needed hoseok right now. He missed the way their bodies moulded together perfectly whenever they were around eachother.

"i-i don't think i can Taehyung. i have a
lot of work to do that i've
been putting off the past fe-few days."

Hoseok hated decling Taehyung, it hurt him probably as much as it did with the other.

"okay, rest well. don't over
work yourself baby.

"i wont."

And with that, Hoseok ended the call.

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