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Maybe it was the burning heat radiating off of his body which woke him up, or the painful gnawing in his stomach which never seemed to go away.

Taehyungs eyes fluttered open, despite the blanket draped over the lower and top section of his body he felt cold.

Looking to his right Taehyung felt his heart sink at the sight before him. Hoseoks soft hair rest lightly on the surface of his bed, cheek gently resting against the soft material whilst his right hand losely held Taehyungs left.

A weak smile made its way to his lips, his back leaning over to roll on his side to reach out to the boy resting on his bed, brushing the hair out of Hoseoks face.

He can't help but stare, this was the person who Taehyung loved so much, the person who Taehyung thought he had lost. He can feel tears in the corner of his eyes, biting his lip anxiously before using all the strength in his voice he had left to speak.

"Hoseok..." He whispered, delicatley lifting Hoseoks hand before pressing a kiss to the top of his skin - a feeling of warmth and safety immediatley spreading throughout his body.

Taehyung kept his lips pressed against the top of Hoseoks hands for a few more seconds, until out of the corner of his eye he sees Hoseoks mesh of light brown hair move ever so slightly.

His throat felt dry, a small cough left Hoseoks lips before lifting up his aching head - eyes met with Taehyung who was pressing light kisses to his hand, barely grazing his skin as if he was scared he was going to hurt him somehow.

Pulling his hand back Taehyungs large scared eyes met his own, the younger frozen still until his hands started to shake more than usual.

"H-Hoseok." Taehyung whimpered out, heart beating harshly against his rib cage as he watched Hoseok climb onto the bed, wasting no time in wrapping Taehyungs shaking frame against his chest.

"Ssshh." Hoseok soothed, resting his chin ontop of Taehyungs soft brown hair - fighting against the urge to burst into tears at the sight of the younger.

Taehyungs fingers found there way to Hoseoks shirt, gripping it tightly whilst burying his pounding head into Hoseoks chest seeking comfort and reassurance.

"I-I'm so s-sorry, H-Hoseok really I s-shouldn't have done w-what I d-did"

Taehyung nervously trembled out, cheek rubbing against hoseoks clothed chest whilst his tears soaked through the material of his shirt.

Hoseok didn't reply, instead tightened his hold on Taehyung, afraid that if Taehyung kept on crying much longer he would pass out once again of exhaustion.

Taehyung was hysterical - sobs leaving his lips almost violently as he spluttered out rushed apoligies in hopes that Hoseok wouldn't hate him.

"P-Please don't l-leave me a-again,"

I-I can't l-live without you."

Hoseok couldn't bring himself to speak, he bit down on his bottom lip harshly to prevent himself from breaking down.

Not letting Taehyung out of his hold Hoseok waited, he waited for the younger to calm down, until his rushed scared apologies came to an abrupt stop and all that came out of him were occasional hiccups.

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