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It was warm. Hoseoks eyes fluttered open, immediatley noticing the warmth radiating from behind him. Secured arms wrapped around Hoseoks waist protectively, moving slightly he attempted to unwrap Taehyungs arms from his frame.

Hoseok squeaked as Taehyungs arms tightened further around his body, meaning the other was awake.


"Shh babe, just stay with me for a little longer." The sleepy boy mumbled into the back of Hoseoks neck, sending shivers down his spine.

Relaxing slightly Hoseok turned so his face was pressed gently into Taehyungs chest, legs once again entangling, arms once again holding them chest to chest.

Smiling to himself Hoseok gently gripped the hem of the others shirt, inhaling Taehyungs scent which never failed to supress his anxiety.

Taehyung felt the top of the boys soft hair graze his chin, bringing a hand up to play with Hoseoks soft locks he let out a satisfied smile, tightening his hold around the other as his legs rubbed gently against the bedsheets and two other legs.

"Don't leave." The younger mumbled, letting himself fall unconcsious once again.


A few hours later, much to Hoseoks dissapointment he opened his eyes to reveal an empty bed. His fingers clutched the sheets as his mind wandered to Taehyung, missing his warmth Hoseok had become quickly custom to.

Stumbling out of bed his cheeks flushed red, glancing down he noticed he wasn't in his own clothes. His head lifted to the corner of the room where his clothes were neatly folded, his fingers gently ran over the smooth material of Taehyungs joggers, which were quite tight on him.

He smelt food. Making his way out of the room his eyes landed on Taehyung, whos back was facing him whilst he sang a quiet song not wanting to disturb the other, cooking something.

Hoseok let out a small cough, his fingers held behind his back. Quickly turning around a smile graced Taehyungs lips, moving around the table and in one swift movement wrapping his arms around the tired male, pressing a light kiss to his forehead.

Leaning back slightly Taehyung inspected Hoseoks cut, gently swiping his thumb across his cheek making sure not to hurt him. A sigh escaped his lips before Taehyungs lips pressed lightly against Hoseoks nose.

"Sit down here." Taehyung pushed a chair out for Hoseok to sit on. "What are you making?" Hoseok sat up higher in his chair, Taehyung turned around smiling whilst pushing a white plate filled with food infront of Hoseok, a little bowl of rice following after.

Hoseok watched as Taehyungs eyes lit up with excitement, clearly proud of his work. "I made it for you. I hope you like it."

Sitting down Taehyung rested his head on the palms of his hands, watching Hoseoks every movement with anticipation.

Chuckling, Hoseok ate a piece of the food Taehyung made especially for him, not failing to notice the anxious look on Taehyungs face as he ate.

"T-This is really good." Hoseok bought a hand up to his mouth, his lips willingly pulling upwards to mirror the smile on the other boys face.

"You think so?" He bounced in his chair slightly. "Yes, this is very good," Hoseok paused, eyeing the other before mumbling, "why aren't you eating?"

Taehyung went silent, eyes dropping to look at the white table surface, "I ate before you woke up." He smiled out, reaching across the table to fix Hoseoks slightly messed hair in hopes of distracting the other.

Staring down at his food Hoseok sighed, not believing Taehyung to the fullest yet he didn't want to tell Taehyung he thought he was lying.

Half way through eating in silence Hoseok felt watched, "What is it?" He asked Taehyung who had not stopped watching Hoseok for a second.

"You're beautiful." He whispered out, leg lifting underneath the table to gently brush against Hoseoks own.

Hoseok covered his cheeks with his hand to hide the oncoming blush, only for his hands to be gently set aside by Taehyungs own, "Don't do that, I want to see your face."

"You're such a flirt."

"I only flirt with people Imm attracted to." Taehyung leaned back in his chair, eyes wandering to Hoseoks clothed chest in one of his own black shirts, slightly too small for the older.

"S-Stop staring," Hoseok bought a hand to cover his chest, his leg lightly kicking the others as he heard Taehyung laugh.

"Baby, your neck."

Hoseoks eyes widened, reaching up to his neck his index finger traced each sinful mark Hoseok had forgotten about, having not seen himself in the mirror in a while. They hurt when pressure was applied, wincing he noticed Taehyungs gaze fixiated on his neck.

"They're fading. Looks like I'm going to have to fix that." Taehyung smirked, picking up Hoseoks empty plate before placing it in the sink.

Hoseok didn't know how to react. He liked knowing he was Taehyungs. Although most of the time he may appear self concsious infront of the younger boy, it was mainly due to the fact Hoseok had never been treated this way before, with such care and with such want.

Drying his hands Taehyung slowly walked towards the flustered male, his fingers gripping Hoseoks hips bringing them to collide with his own, one hand snaking up the back of Hoseoks shirt before carding his fingers through his hair.

Taehyungs eyes locked with Hoseoks, his thumb traced over Hoseoks bottom lip before slightly wetting his own. His hand reposessed their position in Hoseoks thick hair, his hold gradually tightening until roughly pushing Hoseoks head forward so their lips could meet.

Groaning into the kiss Hoseoks mouth opened up against Taehyungs own, giving the younger a chance to tastefully let his tongue explore his mouth. Hoseoks hands wrapped around the back of Taehyungs neck, bringing him forward so their bodies pressed together in such want. They sensed it off eachother, they felt safe.

Pulling back panting heavily Taehyungs fingers massaged circles against Hoseoks hip bones, whispering against his lips, "Stay with me for the day, hm?"

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