~1~ Intro

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My name is Lisa. I am the youngest of 4. There are all boys and sadly I am the only girl. I am 13 years old and My family and I live in California. My oldest brother Jason who is 20 works as a swat officer. He thinks he is intimidating, but really he isn't.

 Don't tell him I said that though. then there is Jacob he is 18. he working towards becoming an officer,just like Jacob. He loves sports and he is a pet friendly person. At least that is what he told me. next there is Dylan. He is 16. If he could have set the world guineas record, he would have set the most video games played per hour.

 I swear that is all he ever does. Lastly there is Justin who is only one year older than me but believes that he is the boss all the time. If you didn't guess he is 14 and the most disgusting person I have ever met. Okay maybe I am exaggerating I have met way worse. besides the point though, he is always eating, his room is almost always completely trashed and all he ever does just like his older brother Dylan is play video games.

Anyway enough about them and a little more about me. As I have told you before I am 13 years old. My family really rich, but I don't really care because they wont even check for us. All they ever do is go to big galas and attend long business trips.

 It is really annoying actually. They don't even really care about us, and to be frank I don't care about them. i really hate my mom the most though. When I was little and my brothers would be out, she would abuse me saying that I was a sad excuse of a daughter.

 one day it got so bad that my brothers had to call the police on her, but she easily paid her way out. From then on whenever she would come back with dad form her long business trips I would just spend some time with my BFF Sally.

Speaking of I hadn't even mention her until just now. She is gonna kill me for that. Anyway Sally is my BFF since preschool and she along with my brothers are the only ones who knew about what my mother did to me. She is so kind and understanding.

 She has long blonde hair that stops to her butt, and beautiful tanned skin with blue eyes. I would never ever trade her with anyone else.

Anyway you guys are probably ready to move onto the actual story. Get ready for an adventure.

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