~37~ Detention?/Hailey

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Dedicated to Cookiecatgirly5

I woke up the next morning exhausted. I barely got enough sleep last night. I kept tossing and turning thinking about everything Dad said. The most shocking was the fact that I had a twin. The thought alone was surreal. Almost as if it wasn't even true.

I got out of bed and did my usual morning routine. I threw on a sweatshirt and leggings because it described my mood perfectly. I walked downstairs to see no one was there. Not even Jason who was an early bird.

I looked over at the clock and finally saw why. It was only 5:45. I still had about 2 hours before we would even leave for school. I sighed, wishing I hadn't woken up so early. I decided to watch some TV until it was time to leave.

I turned it on to some random channel and started to watch it, except I wasn't really watching it. I kept tuning out, replaying everything Dad said last night. Now I understood part of the reason why Mom hated me. It was because I was born and my twin brother wasn't. I lived and he didn't, and she blamed it on me.

But what I didn't understand was why she went after Justin as well. From everything that Dad said Justin had nothing to do with Moms anger. I still felt like there was a lot I still didn't know.

The doorbell ringing brought me out of my trance. Who in their right mind would ring someone's doorbell at 5 in the morning? I got up to answer it. I looked through the peephole to see no one. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. This was just like last night.

I decided not to open the door, in case this could be some sort of trick. I took my spot in the living room again. The doorbell rung yet again. I did the same thing and saw no one. I decided now would be a good time to get one of my brothers.

I went upstairs to Jason room to wake him. I walked into his room to see that he was just getting out of bed. "Lisa?" He asked groggily wiping his eyes.

"That's me," I said watching him put a shirt on.  "Why are you up so early?" he asked. Just as I was about to answer someone rung the doorbell again. I groaned out. "Someone keeps ringing the doorbell, and whenever I go to it there is no one there," I said leading him downstairs.

Jason opened the door, and just like last time, there was no one there. "Well, you did well coming to me," he said. I looked all around outside until I remembered something from last night. "Look under the welcome mat," I said.

Jason bent down and picked up the mat, revealing a small white envelope. My eyes widened in surprise as I was not expecting anything to be there. "What in the world?" Jason mumbled under his breath. He closed the door and opened the envelope to reveal, just like last time, nothing.

Jason groaned rubbing his face. "It is way too early for this," he said. "What are we gonna do?" I asked looking up at him.

"I'll bring it into the station, and check for fingerprints," he said resting it on the counter. "Until then you should probably get some more rest," he said planting a kiss on my forehead and going back upstairs.

I hope he realizes he has to wake up again in about an hour. I turned off the TV and just sat there. It gets boring real fast when you are the only one awake, but it doesn't have to be. I walked up to Justin's room and decided to prank him back for simply being annoying.

I quietly walked into his room, being careful to tiptoe around the mounds of garbage. I went directly next to his ear and screamed.


Being pushed out of Dylan's car was a fun experience. Since I was ready early I got to ride shotgun, and that didn't sit very well with Justin. To add to that he was still mad about earlier this morning when I woke him up.

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