~68~ "Yes"

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If you haven't already I encourage you to read the Recap in the previous chapter :)

The next day Justin, Dylan and I sat at the breakfast table in the kitchen. They were eating some weird concoction and I had some waffles. "I think you should look at the bright side. You're going to have such a cool scar to tell everyone at school about," Justin said happily snacking on his popcorn. Dylan shook his head at him and I rolled my eyes. Of course, he would say something like that.

He looked up at the both of us, confused. "What? I think it's cool," he said shrugging. I laughed and shook my head. "Well, no one will be able to see it anyway," Dylan said. Which was true, my hair covered it.

"Then shave your head?" Justin said like I was stupid. "You make less and less sense every day," I said shaking my head. "I think it's about time we take him back to where he came from," I said to Dylan who nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure if Jacob or Jason told him yet."

I held back my smirk as Justin looked between the two of us slightly confused. "It's fine. I think they would appreciate us telling him for them," I said. I took one glance at Justin, who now looked completely confused and I couldn't stop myself from laughing and Dylan followed.

"You guys suck," he said getting up from the table. Dylan and I high-fived as we once again successfully annoyed Justin. "So what do you want to do today?" Dylan asked now fully turning to me. I shrugged not really knowing what he expected me to say.

"Why can't we just chill?" I asked. An emotion flickered across his eyes but I didn't have time to decipher what it was. "Because..." he said trailing off. "Because?" I asked looking at him expectantly. "Just because. There is no explanation. We just need to do something," he said.

I knew where this was coming from. I heard him talking to Jason about it last night. He was scared something like this would happen again so he wanted to cherish every moment. Which was also very uncharacteristic of him.

"Okay fine," I said. "But...before we go can we do one thing first?" I asked. This was bugging me since I got out of the hospital. I hadn't heard from Liam at all. Not one call, one message, one anything and it was honestly making me very worried. Maybe he got caught somewhere, or maybe my mom got to him before she was arrested. It was just very unlikely for him to just...take off.

"What?" Dylan asked breaking me from my thoughts. "..have you heard anything from Liam? Like..did he call..or anything?" I asked. Dylan's features immediately darkened. "Don't worry about him, Lisa," he said.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him confused. "Well, why?" I looked at him but he didn't answer. "Did- did you guys run him off?" I asked already expecting the worst. "What? Lisa no. I'm sure he's around here somewhere." I looked away from him already feeling the tears prick my eyes.

Dylan sighed and bent down to my level. "Look, I'm sorry okay? But if he really cared about you, he would have called, he would have texted. Heck if he really really cared, he would have been here already," Dylan said. And I hate to admit it but he was right.

"Now come on. We can go to your favorite spot," he said with a smile I smiled back and nodded. He ruffled my hair and got up. "Put something warmer on, it's cold out and meet me and Jacob in the car," he said.

I went up to my room and changed. Feeling less happy then I was earlier. I wished I could just see Liam so that I could say anything to him. I hated not knowing anything.


We pulled up to the cafe and the familiar feeling of 'home' came over me. I've been here too many times to count. People were milling about drinking their coffees, reading the newspaper, enjoying a delicious pastry. It was a place that just smelled and looked like home.

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