~31~Don't Trust Him/Cousins

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School was due to start in less than 3 days. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, although making some friends before school started was very reassuring. I had that much. Another plus side is that I wouldn't have my brothers in my school to bother me constantly, annoy me, or embarrass me.

Currently, we are sitting in a movie theater watching some horror. Now, in general, I like horrors.....most of the times. I sat in between Jacob and Dylan who kept talking about the movie every other minute.

"Would you guys shut up. I am trying to watch the movie," I said getting irritated. After about a minute of silence from the two, they started talking again. "Do you think she is gonna do it or no?" Jacob asked. "Surely she is not that dumb. The stalker is right there," Dylan replied.

"Nah, all the horror movies go like that. She is gonna investigate I know it."

"She should have just run and called the police."

I am seriously going to strangle these two. "Hey, I have some input," I said. "Nobody cares," Dylan interjected.

"Stop talking. You are ruining the theater experience," I said. "You are ruining my life experience," he replied. "You are ruining the earth experience." "Hey, do you mind shutting up." I jumped as some guy shouted right behind us.

"Alright, dude sorry," Jacob said to the guy. The guy mumbled something under his breath about inconsiderate children. I tuned back into the movie just as there was a jump scare. That is what I hate about horror movies, the stupid jump scares that seemed to occur every other scene.

I needed to get up to refill my popcorn. I didn't get much of it anyway because Jacob and Dylan ate most of it. "I'm gonna refill," I said starting to get up. "Okay, don't take too long," Jacob said letting me pass.

I went to where all of the popcorn machines were and started to refill my popcorn. I might as well fill it all the way because I know Jacob and Dylan are going to want some more. It was about 9 in the night. Jason insisted we came here in the evening rather than the afternoon when it was less busy because he had 'other things to do' pfft yeah right.

Because we came in the evening it was less crowded than usual. Something about a special on all the food. Jason also wanted to take advantage of the deal. He can be a bit of a cheapskate sometimes.

I was about to head back to the theater when I bumped into someone. It was a guy who seemed to be in his late thirties. All of the popcorn spilled onto the floor. No! why meeee? I stooped down to begin picking up the popcorn but the guy beat me to it touching the top of my hand in the process.

I waited for him to remove his hand but he never did. Okay? Now, this is just awkward. I decided to move my hand since it didn't look like he was going to move his. "I can help you with that," he said putting his hand back on top of mine.

"No, It's okay. I got it." I moved my hand again and got up. This guy is really creepy. It didn't even look like he was here for a movie. "Are you sure? This is quite a big mess for someone as pretty as you to clean up by yourself," he said grinning at me. Except it didn't really look like a grin. It was scary looking.

"We can leave it here for the Janitors. How about me and you ditch here and go somewhere else?" he asked coming closer to me when I didn't answer. "Yeah actually. Let me just get my things then we can go," I said heading towards the movie. I just needed to get away from him fast.

"Oh come on, there is no need for that," he said grabbing onto my wrist. "I'll get you some new things." I really wasn't liking the vibes I was getting off of this guy. I started to get more and more nervous. My breathing picked up as the guy's grip on my wrist got tighter.

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