~63~Getting Away

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Omniscient POV

Jason stared at his mother in shock. He knew she was capable of many things, but this wasn't one of them. The look on her face, in her eyes, confirmed everything. His mother was truly crazy. There was no coming back from this.

He looked at his Dad on the floor. The man who he never really liked for the way he allowed his younger siblings to be treated. The man who he had, countless of times, turn his back on because of his past mistakes. Yet here he was, on the floor, with a bullet wound in his head. He was sure that his father was gone, but part of him didn't want to believe it. Everything happened so fast.

He then looked down at his hysterical little sister who he was trying to keep from seeing the mess.  He couldn't let her see what had happened. It would scar her for life.

Veronica backed up from the body as if she didn't know what had just happened. The gun remained in her hand, this time tho with a softer grip. Jason wondered what was going through her head in that very moment.

"Are you stupid? Don't just stand there, he needs help!" Jacob shouted. Jason knew Jacob didn't like their dad very much either, but over the current weeks, although he wouldnt admit it, he was starting to warm up to him. All those times when he would come to visit them and get turned down by all the boys except for Lisa, yet he would still come again in hopes that they would change their mind about him. Jacob almost respected him for that. It showed real initiative.

Jason looked at Jacob. He couldn't really tell what emotion was going through him. His face was unreadable. Jacob finally looked up at Jason. "W-what just happened?" he whispered. Before Jason could say anything Isaac walked back into the living room. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Johnathan on the floor.

"Veronica!...W-what did you do?" He asked staring down at the body. Veronica looked up at him as if just noticing he was there. "I- he deserved it!" She suddenly shouted making Lisa jump. Jason held her tighter and kissed her head. That was about the only thing he could do at the moment.

"You weren't supposed to shoot him!? The plan was come here, get the money, then leave."

"Well, the plan changed. You need to help me get rid of the body," Veronica said. She finally put the gun down on top of the fireplace and ran a hand through her hair. "What? No. I am not doing that!" Isaac exclaimed slowly trying to back out of the living room.

"What do you mean? You are just as much in this as I am."

"That's crazy! He needs a hospital!" Jacob suddenly exclaimed. Veronica quickly walked over to where she rested the gun and picked it up. "Don't tell me what I need to do!" She shouted now pointing the gun at Jacob. Jacobs's face paled, but he refused to back down. "What are you going to shoot me too?" Jacob asked staring right at his mother.

" Jacob stop," Jason said. Jacob wasn't doing any good by challenging his mother but Jason knew he wasn't going to back down. Especially after what just happened. "Hey, Hey! If you're going to shoot anyone else it's going to be me," Jason said.

"No, we aren't doing that!" Isaac said walking over to Veronica. "Come on, we can leave right now. Get as far away as possible before the police get here," he said. "No, you can't just leave, at least uncuff us," Jacob said.

"Come on. Think about it. We already have the money we can leave now," Isaac said completely ignoring what Jacob said. Veronica stuck her hands in her hair and started pacing the room. She then left the living room.

Jason felt Lisa's body began to relax and at first he thought she had just tired herself from crying. He decided to check the back of her head, already fearing the worse. And just as he feared the amount of blood that was on the cloth had doubled.

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