~5~ Hospital

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Jason's POV

We were all sitting in the waiting room waiting for a doctor or nurse to tell us something about Lisa. I looked around and I saw Dylan attempting to hold back tears.

He didn't like to cry in front of people, especially us. Although he doesn't show it in the ordinary way Dylan really does care for Lisa, we all do. 

If anything happened to her I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Ever since what our mom did, and how our Dad is rarely around.

I took the responsibility of taking care of my younger siblings. I mean I love them all to bits. I was so into my thoughts that I didn't even hear the nurse call us.

"Family of Lisa Johnson" The nurse. All of us went to the doctor. "How is she?" Jacob asked with concern clouding his eyes.

"Well luckily you guys got her here on time, any later and she could've died", the doctor explained.

When no one answered the doctor went on. "She had a severe allergic reaction to the Lobster that was in her food", the nurse said. 

"Because of that her throat started to close up and that made it difficult for her to bre-".

"-Can we just go and see her", Justin said cutting the doctor off. He was never one for long explanations.

"Of course, umm she is in room 119", the nurse said now intimidated by us.

We ran down the hall the numbers counting down as we went. 122, 121, 120, 119. We all stopped at the door, and slowly opened the door. 

Lisa was sleeping with an oxygen mask over her face. She was a little pale, but nothing too drastic.

We all made ourselves comfortable waiting for Lisa to wake up.

Lisa's POV

I woke up to something on my face, it was giving me air.To say I was confused would be an understatement. I stared at the white ceiling. OK at least I know this isn't my room. It hurt a little to breathe, but other than that I felt fine. 

That is when I realized what happened, and understood where I was. I  looked around and saw my brothers.

Dylan was sleeping on my arm. Justin was watching the TV, Jason and Jacob both were on their phones. I tried to say something, but it was sorta hard to considering this gas mask that was on my face.

So I decided to move my arm that Dylan was sleeping on.  he noticed after I moved it for the  Third time. "What?" He asked confused. He looked around and then quickly realized that it was me.

"Oh My God, LISA", Dylan screamed out loud causing me to have a Major headache. The others noticed Dylan's outburst, and were by my side in an instant. "Thank God you're okay" Jason said relieved.

"We were so worried about you!" Jacob said greatly relived. The event of what happened earlier finally caught up to me. I started to cry. I honestly thought I was gonna die.

Jason was the first to notice and rushed to me in an instant. "Sshhhh you are okay now, don't cry you're fine" Jason whispered in an attempt to calm me down.

All of my brothers somehow found a way to surround me on my bed. We eventually ended up in a huge group hug, them careful not to crush me.

I eventually fell asleep surrounded by my brothers. 

Jacob POV (Didn't see that did you *)

I was so worried for Lisa. I know we aren't that close, but tonight made me realize that I need to spend as much time with my siblings before its too late.

After awhile of us cuddling Lisa fell asleep again. Dylan fell asleep next to her they were cuddling, and it was soo cute.

 Jason got a chair and sat next to her just watching her. In a way I would to. You never know when the last time you will see them could be.

Justin was on his phone doing Lord knows what. The doctor came in after a while asking to speak with Jason and I.

What was soo important that the doctor couldn't tell everyone else. "Hello I am doctor Reynolds I will be checking up on you sister Lisa."

"Hello" Jason answered when I didn't. "Well I was looking through Lisa medical history and her reports, and firstly did you know that Lisa has asthma" The doctor questioned us.

WHAT? This was news to us. Lisa has never had an asthma attack before. Not that I know of. "No, are you sure that you have the right person?"

I was just as shocked as Jason was. "Yes I am positive Mr Johnson. I personally have went over the test myself." The doctor said almost hurt Jason even suggested that.

Went no one answered the doctor went on. " Just to be on the safe side Mr Johnson we have given you two inhalers, One is red which is for emergency and the other is blue which is for her personal use." The doctor said trying to get away from us as fast possible.

She must stay away from any activities which can cause her to start breathing heavily". The doctor stated handing us the inhalers and asking if we have any questions.

" Yes actually would she still be able to play any sports?" I asked Lisa loved sports and not being able to would break her heart. "Well she can, but I would not recommend it" the doctor said.

Quite frankly I didn't care what this doctor recommended, he seemed pretty cocky if you asked me. "Why not?" Jason asked. 

"Too much strenuous exercise can overwork her lungs which can cause a severe asthma attack. (Ps I don't know if this is true) So what the hell are the inhalers for. I didn't say anything after all he was the doctor.

After a couple more exchanges from the Doctor and Jason we finally got to leave." Finally that doctor was getting on my nerves" I said quite irritated "I know" Jason said knowing that I get annoyed quite easily.

Dylan POV 

Jason and Jacob stepped out of the room with the doctor. I was still in the bed with Lisa who was fast asleep. Justin was on his phone in the corner.

"Justin what are you doing", " Nothing" He said rather quickly. I will have to deal with that later. After my Xbox of course. 

He put his phone away and walked over to Lisa. Although they are a year apart they can be mistaken as twins, except for the height difference of course. Lisa soon woke up after about 15 minutes.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her brushing her hair back with my fingers. She took her oxygen mask off to answer, but I quickly placed it back on her face.

"I am fine" She said through the oxygen mask. She looked a little more like herself. "Didn't have too much fun with out me did you" She said a smirk forming on the side of her face.

"Never" answered just wanting to hold my baby sister in my arms forever.


There it is guys After not updating since the Dino ages. There is finally a chapter 

Let me know what you think in the comment section. I am opened to any suggestions.

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