~62~Pulled The Trigger

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Dylan's POV

"Alright we are going to ask you to wait there until our dispatch arrives," the officer on the other end of the line said. I agreed and ended the call.

Right after I left our house I went down the street to call the police. I was still a little clueless as to what exactly was going on, but all I did know and all I could focus on was that Lisa was missing.

No one knew where she was, and that was the scariest part of this entire situation. I know the officer on the call said for me to wait where I was, but I couldn't. I couldn't just sit here whiles my baby sister was somewhere around here probably scared for her life.

So I started driving around the neighborhood. Checking every little alleyway. Any house that seemed even the least bit suspicious. The abandoned places, anywhere.

"Can you like, try to drive fast!?" Justin asked from the seat next to me. I sucked in a deep breath to restrain myself from lunging at him. He had moved up to the passenger seat after I left and ever since he hasn't been much help.

"If I drive fast, we might miss her," I said as calmly as I could.

"Well, then I don't see why we are driving at all." he folded his arms and looked out the window. He was angry and upset, as was I. And clearly, his brain wasn't working as good as it should.

I didn't answer him and simply continued slowly driving through the different streets. We might look stalkerish right now, but I couldn't care less. My heart nearly stopped every time we saw a girl that had a similar description to Lisa.

"Right there!" Justin shouted pointing to a small girl with long dark hair. But she looked a little too young to be Lisa. The disappointment came back stronger than the last when I processed that it couldn't be her. "That's not her Justin."

He stared at the girl for a little while longer before realizing himself, that it wasn't Lisa. "The last thing I said to her was that I didn't love her, but I was only joking," he said, his voice cracking at the end. He was actually starting to cry.

"Stop," I said before he could say anything else. "Stop what?"

"Stop speaking like she is gone or something. She isn't. I'm sure we will find her, and if we don't the police will."

"You don't know that though," he mumbled. I abruptly hit the brakes and turned to face him. "Why are you acting like this? At least try to be positive." I was getting tired of him trying to take away the hope of us finding Lisa. He made it seem like....like we would never find her.

"I'm not trying to be negative. I just-I'm just," before he could even finish his sentence he burst into tears. "I'm so scared, Dylan. I don't want anything to happen to her," he continued. I stared at him sort of shocked.

Justin and I were usually always sarcastic or rude to each other. Rarely did I ever see him cry unless he was rage quitting from Fortnite. "Justin," I said, turning to face him. "I don't want anything to happen to her either, which is why the faster we look for her, the faster we can find her," I said. He didn't say anything and continued looking down. "I promise okay?" I said making him face me.

He nodded and wiped his face. "Okay, stop looking at me," he said turning his face away from me.  Despite the situation, he was still worried about me seeing him cry.

We didn't say anything else as I continued to drive down the different streets. Every street we turned off of my heart sank more and more. I was getting so frustrated. It hadn't even been that long since we started looking but it felt like hours.

It also didn't help that she could be anywhere. "Wait!" Justin said suddenly looking up at me. I could still see the tear stains on his face and in any other situation, I would have laughed at him.

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