~33~ Secret Date

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It was the night before school would start. I was a nervous mess. What if I spill all of my things in the middle of the hallway? What if I dropped my food in the lunchroom? What if the teacher calls on me to introduce myself in front of the class? What if I say something stupid? What if none of my friends show up on the first day and I am all alone? What if-

"Lisa! Stop thinking so hard. You're giving me a headache." Dylan said. He sat across from me on my bed playing on his phone. He came in here originally to ask if I had his phone charger, then he got too comfortable on my bed and never left. By the way he was rushing me to find it, I would have thought it would have died by now.

Besides that, I will be surrounded by a bunch of trees, aka, abnormally tall people. My brothers will be around every corner except for Jason and Jacob. Now that I think about it, maybe it won't be that bad.

"I'm sorry not everyone is as calm and collected as you are the night before the first day of school!" I said maybe a little louder than I meant for it to be. "You will be fine Lisa. I don't know what you are freaking out about," he said continuing to scroll through his phone.

I glared at his head. He just infuriates me sometimes. "You're not helping." I picked up a pillow and aimed directly for his head. "Hey! I could have dropped my phone."

"Oh, your poor phone," I said rolling my eyes. "Calm down sis. What's the worst that could happen?" he asked as if I was freaking out about the color black.

"Nothing. I am gonna talk to Jacob instead. You suck," I said sticking out a tongue at him and leaving. And you know what he did? He slammed my bedroom door in my face. The nerve?

I trudged over to Jacobs room where I was sure he would be. He would either be sleeping or on his phone. Luckily, he was on his phone when I walked in. I went on his bed and cuddled next to him. He was watching The Office, which I always found hilarious.

We both laughed when Michael said something stupid. Before we knew it we watched an entire episode. I almost forgot why I came in here in the first place.

"Jacob?" I asked looking up at him. "Hhmmm?" he asked playing with a strand of my hair. He seemed to be on the verge of sleep already. I swear he has some sort of sleeping problem. No one goes to bed at 7 in the evening and still manages to sleep till 10 in the morning. I should talk to Jason about that. Something could be seriously wrong.

"How did you handle your first day of high school?" I asked. "Well, when I started Jason was in 10th grade, so I knew I could always go to him if I needed anything. And I knew a lot of people so it wasn't much of a problem." He made it sound so easy.

"I would like to say just do what you are supposed to and everything will be great, but I know that is not true," he said starting a braid in my hair. "So, I will say this instead, you are going to school for you, not the person you sit next to in class, not the other person in the lunch room. For you."

I flinched as he pulled on my hair a little too hard. "Ow, sensitive scalp here," I said rubbing the spot. "Sorry," he said kissing the spot.

"Besides, if anyone bothers you, come to us and your problems will disappear. We'll deal with it," he said, his voice getting softer and softer.

I looked up to see him already sleeping. So much for that. I gently got up and closed his door after me. Well, I have about 2 more hours before my freedom is taken away from me.

I got my phone back yesterday, so maybe I would just play some games before bed. That was my plan until I saw a text from Liam.

'Hey blue. I know school starts tmr. but I wanted to know if you wanted to go somewhere tonight?'

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