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 Previously on Overprotective. In chapter ~60~ When Jacob and Lisa are home alone, their mother comes to the house begging for their forgiveness and saying that she will give them a better life. When they decline her and try to throw her out she pulls out a gun and forces them back inside. She kept them inside the house insisting that she only needed some money and then she would leave. When the opportunity came Jacob gave Lisa his phone and a plan so that she would be able to get help. Lisa, following the plan, ran to a safer spot and called Jason. While waiting, a mysterious person knocked her unconscious.

In chapter ~61~Jason arrived at where Lisa said she was only to find a smashed phone on the ground. Jason, Dylan, and Justin came to the realization that Lisa was just kidnapped. Jason then drove to their house and gave Dylan and Justin instructions to drive off and call 911. Once he walked inside he was met with a gun to his face and led to the living room where he could see Lisa who was clearly knocked out. There Jason came face to face with their stalker, who later on turned out to be Liam's dad. Jason finds out that their mother wanted to use Lisa as leverage so that they can escape. We find out that Isaac, the stalker, was also their dad's supplier and he wanted his money back. After a few minutes Lisa wakes up and Jason can see the true extremity of her injuries.

In chapter ~62~ which is in Dylans POV. He has no idea of what is happening at home and he and Justin, after calling 911, are searching the neighborhood for her. They have had no luck and are starting to lose hope. Justin believes he might never see his sister again but Dylan assures him, that that will not be the case. This is probably the first chapter where Justin and Dylan aren't fighting or being sarcastic with each other. After searching for awhile they go to their Dad's house in hopes that he would know something. Whiles there Liam pulls up ready to deliver a package that he usually delivers. He had no idea that the man he delivered packages to was Lisa's father. We switch to Lisass Pov where they are still at the house and stuck there. Lisa's condition is only getting worse by the second, and Jacob and Jason are at a loss of what to do. Suddenly their Dad walked in shocking all of the siblings. Apparently their dad brought the money for Veronica and Isaac to leave. Upon receiving it Veronica decided to do one last thing. She shoots her husband.

In chapter ~63~ After shooting her husband, Veronica is in a slight panic. Isaac who had no idea that was going to happen tries to get her to just take the money and leave so that they can be as far away from the cops when they get there. Lisa's condition was at its worse. She was unconscious and barely breathing and Jason knew he needed to get her to the hospital as fast as possible. They convince Isaac to help them and they left with their Dad to take Lisa to the hospital. A few minutes after that Dylan, Justin and Liam arrive home only to find the end result. their mother was on the ground with a deep head wound and the living room had blood everywhere. They had no idea what happened.

In Chapter ~64~ Everyone regroups at the hospital feeling relieved that everyone was okay, and going to be fine. Liam couldn't stop thinking about the fact that his dad was involved in Lisa's dad's death. So he walked out. Out of the hospital. Dylan followed him out and upon learning that Liam didn't want to see Lisa at all because of the guilt he felt, he tried to get him to think otherwise. Despite that Liam left anyway, he couldn't let go of the guilt that he felt. He went inside after and everyone found out that Lisa was going to be okay and her injuries weren't as bad as they thought although she suffered from mild memory loss which she regained later on.

In Chapter ~65~ Grayson tells Lisa how scared he was and worried that he would never be able to see her again or tell her what's on his heart. She still believes that Liam is coming to see her and doesn't really want to hear anything Grayson has to say.

In chapter ~66~ Lisa is finally released and she still has yet to see Liam. Jason goes to the station where he hears that he will be seeing his mother. He doesn't know how to feel there are too many emotions. He has to restrain himself from doing anything. She needed to be punished in the correct way. 

In chapter ~67~ They all go home. and everyone feels better knowing that their mother can no longer hurt them.


Hello everyone! I'm back. I know its been the longest time and I'm going, to be honest, there is absolutely no excuse for that and I am sorry. By the time you're reading this, I am already adding the finishing touches to the last chapter and then the Epilogue. I am so excited to finally finish this book. Its been close to me for so long and I am happy that I was able to share it with you guys. I hope you enjoy.


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