~21~Playing Detective

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"Hello," the woman said before us. We must have had a mischievous glint in our eyes because she looked quite frightened.

"Come in come in, " Justin said opening the door wider. The sitter walked in looking around the house. She rests her things ( which consisted of a purse, a plastic bag, and a water bottle) in the living room and walked back towards us.

She actually looked really young. She seemed to be in her mid-20s. Had brown hair and blue eyes.

"My name is Madeleine." She said with which seemed to be a German accent.

"She must be German," Justin whispered over to me. I gave him a 'no dip' look and turned back towards the sitter.

"You can get yourself situated, um Jason should be home by 7:00 pm," I said with the sweetest smile I could muster.

We were just about to leave when she stopped us.

"Uum where is your bathroom?" She asked. "Straight ahead". "Thank-you"

Justin and I went ahead to my room and closed the door. I looked at Justin and I could tell he knew what I was thinking.

"Come on Lisa, don't feel bad, its just a little harmless fun," Justin said giving me a look. "Ok, I have to call Jason though to let him know that she is here," I said.

I grabbed my phone and called Jason......

"Morning Sweetie"

"Morning Jason Dylan said to call you when the sitter arrives"

"Ok great, did you tell her what time I would be home?"

"Yh she knows"

"Alright make sure you guys behave and don't cause any trouble"

"Of course we won't cause any trouble Jason who do you think we are?"

"Whatever I gotta go Luv, you guys"

"Ok bye"

End call.

I looked over at Justin who was throwing a paper ball around.

"Let us get started," I said. "Ok now that we know who the sitter is it would be easier to prank her," Justin said.

"Yh, but first I kind of want to know what is in that plastic bag," I said twirling my hair around my fingers.

"Maybe it's her meds or something," Justin said catching the ball and throwing it again. " Really Justin who carries meds in a plastic bag unless you are doing something bad," I said putting emphasis on the word bad.

"Fine, we will look in her little 'drug bag' and then get to pranking her," Justin said quoting drug bag, then standing up, and coming over to help me up.

"Oh so here is the plan," I said. " She placed her bag on the couch in the living room, so one of us should distract her and the other one should grab the bag," I said giving Justin a pointed look.

"Hey, why are you looking at me?" Justin said putting his hands up. "Well, dumbnut you are the only other person here and I am the one who came up with the plan," I said slapping him upside the head.

"Hey don't be so rude," he said rubbing his head.

"Ok, lead the way," I said

Justin and I both went down the stairs quietly. "Ok I see her, she is in the kitchen, go and do something that will distract her and I will get the bag and run up the stairs with it" I whispered.

"Okay," Justin said. I waited a couple of minutes before I heard Justin yell. "Help, Help I have fallen and I can't get up" I heard him say.

I stifled a laugh. He is so dumb. I would be genuinely surprised if that ever works. I quickly walked past the kitchen where the sitter was helping Justin off the floor.

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