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I walked along the outside of my house, admiring the beautiful flowers that climbed along the brick walls. They were yellow, orange, purple, pink, all of the colors of the rainbow. It really brought the house out and I certainly loved it. To add to the great day, it was sunny, and there wasn't a cloud in sight. The weather forecast predicted it would be like this for the rest of the year!

I turned around when I heard the sound of a branch breaking. There was no one there. The birds were still chirping on the beautiful oak tree that covered our entire backyard. I smiled and turned back to facing the flowers, but they were gone. Instead in its place were thorns. Sharp to the touch. I furrowed my brows, wondering what happened to them in that short second.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard a loud thunder that shook the ground like an earthquake.
There were screams everywhere and people running out of their houses. The sky wasn't clear anymore but instead covered with huge, thick, dark clouds that let out raindrops the size of baseballs.
Before I could react someone grabbed me from behind and something was placed over my head.
I woke up to see all of my brothers in front of me. My mom on my right and my Dad on my left.
"What's going on?" I tried to say, but no sound came out. Mom was ranting about how horrible her life was and kept waving her gun in the air. I was terrified, I couldn't move and I couldn't say anything. I could only watch.

"Lisa, why are you letting this happen?" Jason asked me. His voice held so much emotion and I wanted to say something, anything! But I couldn't. I wanted to tell him that it wasn't my fault, but I couldn't.

Mom then turned towards me with the most hate I have ever seen in her eyes. "This is your fault, Lisa. Look around you're the reason all of your brothers are dead. My eyes widened at hearing that and she stepped aside. That's not true they aren't dead. They were alive only a few seconds ago. But they were dead. They were all dead, with bullet wounds in them.

"It's all your fault Lisa," Mom sang. I looked over to Dad, but he was also dead. "Lisa," Mom kept singing waving the gun around. I cried, desperately wanting to get out of the bounds I was in.

"Lisaaaa," she kept saying, but her voice started to sound different. It sounded deeper. Everything around me started to disappear and was replaced with darkness. "Lisa!" This time the voice sounded familiar. Like...Jasons?
I woke up finding it hard to breathe. My vision was blurry and I had a terrible headache. It was a feeling that I was all too familiar with. I was on the brink of a panic attack and already having an asthma attack. I frantically looked around the room for any sign that mom was here. "Hey, hey look at me," someone said. I made eye contact with Jason as he cupped my face and immediately started to relax. His face held all the reassurance I needed that everything was fine. He wasn't dead, he was right here. "What's wrong?" Justin asked. He was right next to Jason and so was Dylan and Jacob. They were all alive. "Are you okay?" Dylan asked.

"It must have been a nightmare," Jason mumbled to himself. "It's alright sweetie. You're safe here. You're fine okay?." I nodded, still finding it hard to breathe. "Go get her inhaler,' Jacob told Justin. Jason pulled me into a hug, comforting me. "It's alright. Calm down." Someone handed me an inhaler and I gratefully used it. After a few minutes, I started to calm down.

I was engulfed in the warm embrace of Jason and it was much needed. Even though mom was gone, locked away in prison, she still managed to find a way to torment me.


A few hours later

I walked out of the room with Justin meeting the rest of my brothers out in the lobby. We were leaving the hotel room and going back home. Not going to lie, I missed my super comfy bed and having my own space. I also missed not being rushed to get out of the bathroom because someone else wanted to use it. But at the same time, I didn't want to leave.

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