~27~ Revenge/Unwelcomed Guest

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I woke up to snickering. What a great start to the day already. I felt like I was swaying as if I was in a boat on a river. I slowly peeled my eyes open to meet the sky above. How in the world?

"Do you think she is gonna notice?" Someone said. What are they talking about? I rubbed the sleepiness in my eyes. I was still somewhat disoriented as to where I was.

I began to sit up and felt whatever I was on sway significantly. At this point, I was startled awake. "Omg this is hilarious she looks so confused," someone else said. I looked around me and that is when I realized I was in the pool.

I was completely surrounded by water. I carefully sat up, and that is when I saw the culprits behind this brutal awakening. Okay, I might be a little dramatic but I and water are not friends.

"What did you guys do?" I asked slowly even though it was quite obvious. "Yo dude are you getting this?" Dylan asked Jacob who was holding his phone up recording I am guessing. "Oh yes, " he said laughing. What, Jacob is in this too?

"Jason, help," I said looking at him. Maybe he wasn't as crazy as these nutjobs. He just shrugged while sitting on our lawn chair watching this all unfold.

Is my torture like some sort of sitcom for him? " I already knew who was behind this. "Well, if you wanted to take a swim so bad you should have just said so Lisa," Justin said in a teasing manner.

I was about to lunge on him when I almost toppled over into the water. I didn't know whether I was in the shallow end or the deep end. As I have mentioned before I am not a good swimmer at all.

If I fell into the water I would surely drown. "Come on guys get me out of here," I said. "Not until we have had a little fun," Dylan said. I groaned out.

I was sticking to this mattress like a leech. "Justin, what happened to our truce?" I asked. "We never had a truce, I told you I would make Dylan help me get you back," he said with that stupid smirk on his face again.

"Yeah, I just wanted to do this for fun," Dylan said after a short pause. He smiled then went inside for something. I looked to Jacob hopefully. Maybe he has some humanity in him. "Sorry, kiddo majority rules," he said.

"Oh come on guys you know I hate the water," I said. If my talking won't work I will have to guilt trip them. "You will be fine, just don't topple over," he said and here I was thinking he was the good brother.

"Jason, come on, please get me out of here," I said with as much sadness as I could muster. I could see him contemplating. "Come on man, don't switch on us," Justin whispered to him.

"Sorry sweetie," he said folding his hands behind his head. "What, if I die, you will become an accomplice to my murder," I said still clinging tightly onto the mattress.

Dylan came outside with water guns, "Oh this is gonna be fun," Justin said taking one of the water guns from Dylan. "We can still talk about this right?" I asked.

"Nope, "Dylan and Justin said at the same time. This was just too much fun for them, wasn't it? Jacob was still recording and Jason was lounging.

Without any warning, they started shooting me with the water gun. I covered my face from the harshness of the water. "STOP," I screamed out, but it fell onto deaf ears. Why am I always the one to get annoyed?

Without my hands supporting me on the mattress I lost my balance and fell into the water, it took me a while to find the bottom and realize I was in the shallow end.

I coughed up some water and glared at my brothers who were rolling on the ground laughing. "I could have drowned you know," I said with my hands on my hips. I had to look as intimidating as possible.

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