~3~ Secrets

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I woke up early this morning planning on a nice relaxing beautiful day out. Probably go the pool, get a tan-. I was interrupted by my thoughts when my brother Dylan jumped on me. "Ughh Dylan what are you doing, aren't you supposed to be playing video games." 

"Hey!video games aren't the only things I do, I decided that I want to spend some quality time with my little sister".

 Dylan said with a huge grin on his face. Dylan only ever asks to hang out with me when he wants me to do something for him. "What do you want?"Knowing good and well that he wants something from me.

 "Seriously, why can't I just hang out with you?". "Cut to the chase Dylan, what do you want?".

 "Is it that obvious?" he questioned. "You don't ever hang out with me Dylan" He seemed a little sad when I said that, but quickly replaced it with a fake smile.

 "Well I wanted you to do something for me," He said. "Okay, it depends on what you want me to do".

 "Well there is this girl th-" he began right before I cut him off. "OMG, Dylan has a girlfriend, Dylan has a girlfriend" I continuously shouted until he covered my mouth. "Would you shut up about it!"

 Dylan was the last person I would expect to find an interest in a girl, or worse a girl to find an interest in him.

"Don't tell anyone or your dead" he tried to threaten me. Keyword tries to threaten he sucks at this in general. "Okay so as I was saying before you interrupted me, I wondered if you could maybe ask her uum like umm if she maybe likes me." he was so nervous about this I found it quite cute actually.

 "Okay, what is this girls name?" "Her name is Susan, she is really nice and sweet an-" "Okay, okay I get it you really like her" "So will you help me?" Dylan questioned doing those irritable puppy eyes that get me every time.

 "Fine I will do it, but just this once" "Yes, yes, yes thank you so much, Lisa, your the best" He exclaimed jumping around like a lost puppy.

 "Alright, alright now get out of my room". He bounded out my room probably love-struck, but he doesn't even know for sure if she does like him. Well, I guess we will find out soon enough.

Two hours later and I still sitting here doing nothing. I don't know If I should prank the boys or not. I think I will pass just this once. Anyway, I start getting ready so that I could meet his friend Susan.

"Okay bye everybody I should be back soon" "Where are you going" Jason questions coming from nowhere. I freeze because Dylan doesn't want to tell anybody that He has a crush on Susan.

It's fine I will just play out and see how it goes. "Oh you know just going by Sally, see how things are going for her."

"Alright, just be back by 9 I don't want you out after dark." "Okay, by see you later". And with that, I was out. Dylan said I would be able to meet her at Starbucks because that is where she works. Typical.

Anyway, I arrive there and see her at the front desk. "Susan?" I question making sure it was her. She looked up at me and I was surprised to see how pretty she looked. She had dark brown hair with green eyes and little freckles.

Maybe Dylan isn't all that bad after all. I mean he has good taste. "Oh hi would you like to order something?" "No, actually I cam here to talk about Dylan."

 "And before you get one of those thoughts, I am Dylan's sister Lisa," I said holding my hand out for her to shake. But instead of shaking it she took my hand and dragged me outside to the back.

I knew it, I knew it Dylan has horrible taste. "Okay listen here you little brat, don't even think of going near Dylan, he is all mine and no one else can have him" Did she not hear the part where I told her that I was his sister.

"Umm just in case you didn't hear me the first time, I will repeat my self. I live with Dylan because he is my brother." The minute I finish said that she slapped me across the face really hard. That is for sure going to leave a mark.

She quickly ran inside so I wouldn't get her. I would but I was just so frozen to do anything. What Am I going to tell Dylan...



oooh Cliffhanger keep tune to found out what happens next.

Will Lisa tell Dylan what really happened, or will he never find out.

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