~8~ Lying

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I sat a straight as a statue as I heard the voices of my brothers enter the house.

No no no they should not be here this soon already has it been that long. already.

I shivered a little but not because I was cool but because that stupid witch downstairs was talking to Dylan and my brother's as if we had the best time ever.

I could just faintly hear her describing our "fun time together.

"Oh we had the most fun, we painted our nails, brushed our hair, and watched TV. I would love to babysit her anytime." She said with such a forced enthusiasm that is was hard to believe that my brothers would actually believe her.

I tuned out their conversation and tried to focus on covering up my now full black eye.

What would I tell my brother's? I would cover it up with makeup but I left that in the hallway bathroom. It would be nearly impossible to get there without my brother's noticing.

As if on cue I heard one of my brothers start up the stairs.

Oh why, oh why could the timing be any worse. I decided to hop into my bed pulling the sheets as far over my head as possible.

That's what I would do I would just pretend like I was sleeping until the black eye was gone.

"Okay bye have a good night and tell Lisa I said bye too!!" I head Susan basically screech.

The front door closed and then it was silent. I in my bed hoping to God that maybe just this one time my brother's would just forget about me and go to bed.

....but no that just couldn't possibly happen because the universe really hates me right now.

"Lisa, Lisa Lisa" I heard what sounded like Jacob shouting. That was followed by heavy footsteps on the stairs.

I closed my eyes even tighter and fisted the sheet around me.

My room door finally opened followed by the lights.

God a little respect here I am sleeping......oh wait fake sleeping, but still, he doesn't know that.

"Lisa" I heard Dylan whisper. That was followed by a slap upside the head.

" Hey, what was that for". "You are gonna wake her up you dummy" " oh my bad"

Seriously, can they just leave already?
As if on cue I heard the door close. I stayed still for a little just to make sure there was nobody else in the room.

When I was sure of it I removed the ozone later from around me. I was literally beginning to bathe in my own sweat.

I let out a sigh of relief I didn't even know I was holding in.

That was too close. Man the things I go through for my brothers. I just hope Dylan realizes sooner than later what Susan really is.

I went back to bed after thinking about the entire situation for a little, dreading the morning that was to come, because I knew that I would have to face my brother's.

............the next morning........

I woke up to the birds chirping and the sun shining through my window, and a lovely smell of bacon, eggs and pancakes.

Oh, wait.....I might have confused some of that.

Let me rewind.....

I woke up to the rain slamming on my bedroom window, and the smell of burnt peanut butter.

Yeah, that sound about right. And to add torture to the pain my eye was throbbing and I could barely open it.

It seems to have gotten worse than before.

No this isn't good, what am I going to say to my brother's.

And again like always as if on cue. Dylan marched into my room.

"Lisa breakfast is re-" he paused mid-sentence. I stared at him like a deer in highlights. He stared back at me as if he got caught eating Tuesdays tacos on Monday.

He blinked twice very slowly, closed the door behind him, and walked over to me.

At this point, I was looking everywhere but at him. What was I going to say now, he can clearly see my badly bruised eye.

He gently reached out and touched my bruised eye. He looked me dead on the eye, " who did this?" He asked so calmly that I got chills.

I rarely see Dylan in this state. He usually is always teasing us or telling jokes, but now, now he was serious.

My mind went on overload on the thousands of different excuses I could come up with.

"I- well - you see - I fell - on - on the counter?" I said more as a question than a statement.

"Do not lie to me Lisa" Dylan said this time with a little more concern in his voice.

"I know what hitting your eye on the counter looks like, and that'ss not i,." Dylan said stepping back and examining it more.

"Well, it isn't I swear Dylan, while me and Susan were playing I fell and hit my eye." I said now getting a little more nervous. I didn't even realize tears were coming out of my eye, and I was hyperventilating until I was wrapped in a nice warm hug.

"It's okay, it's okay don't cry, breathe, breath" ", Dylan said rubbing circles on my back.

"I believe you okay boo, no need to get all worked up about it."

I nodded still not trusting myself to speak. I can't believe I just lied to my brother and he actually believed it.

I rarely lie to my brother's, And yet I just did.

I finally stepped out of the hug and sat on my bed.

Dylan kneeled in front of me and looked at my eye a little more.

" You are gonna need to get that checked out we don't want any infections now do we., Dylan said kissing the top of my head.

"No, wouldn't want that", I said nervously.

" Now are you gonna come  to eat breakfast, or are you just gonna sit there."

"I think sitting here is fine, you know my bed is really comfortable"

Dylan furrowed his eyebrows.

"You know Lisa if you only fell and hit your eye then what are you so afraid of?"

"Nothing" I answered a little too quickly.

Dylan eyed me and I quickly rushed out of my room and down the stairs.

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