~2~ Summer

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I wonder how many days are left until summer. Eehh I shouldn't be counting wouldn't that just make it go faster. Hmmmmmmm. Anyway I got out of bed early this morning so that I could prank the boys.

 I started with Jason, because to be honest he is kind of the boring type. I took a bucket of water and placed it outside of his door. he is gonna be in for a wet surprise. Next I went to Jacobs room and took his phone and set an alarm clock for the next 15 minutes. 

Then I hid his phone. Dylan was next. This prank should be easy. All I had to do was hide all of his gaming things, whatever he wants to call it. Lastly and yes least Justin. There is a million things that I would love to do to Justin, but I will go easy on him, just this once. Since he love ore's soo much I decided to put toothpaste in his ore's, the entire pack.

Now that I have everything set I go downstairs and watch TV, just waiting for all havoc to break loose. The first thing I hear is Jacobs Phone alarm go off, which most likely woke up Jason, since he is a light sleeper, come in the job description so he says.

 Minutes later Jason walked out of his room Right into the bucket of water. Hahaha score. Now the next two will have to wait a little longer for their surprise. Jason comes storming downstairs soaking wet.  Wait why am I laughing right now I am so In trouble.

,"What is the meaning of this" Who even speaks like that anymore. " What are you talking about I didn't anything wrong...... Dear brother"" You know exactly what you did and now you are going to clean up that mess on the floor." Uhhhhg why is Jason such a party pooper.

 "Come on Jase I was just having some fun" "Well I don-" Jason was cut off by the frustrated scream. I burst out laughing because I know exactly why he is screaming. Jason and I went up to Jacobs to see what the problem was.

 Of course I already knew. "Would somebody pleas shut that thing up?!!" "Why so frustrated Jacob" I questioned about ready to burst out laughing at any moment. "My stupi-""Wait this was you" Jacob exclaimed when he saw I couldn't hold my laughter in any longer. I ran out of the room as fast I could.

 Wile running I bumped into Justin who had a disgusted look on his face. " Whats wrong Justin couldn't wait to brush your teeth." Man I am so good at this. I quickly ran away from him before he could realize he is a little slow you know.

I ran and hid in the hallway closet, keeping quiet so that none of my brothers would hear me. Seconds later I heard Justin screaming around for his gaming system. OMMG this a great to start the morning I should do this more often.

 Wait did I say that to loud. The door to the closet opened and all four of my brothers stood there....well pissed. "Come on guys we can work something out, maybe you know if you can step back a little and then I can you know, disappear" Nobody said a thing that is until I was picked up and thrown on someones shoulder.

 "Put me down you jerks it was just a joke come on." " Oh Lisa, Lisa you should know better than to mess with us"Dylan said.

 "Oh seriously you know Lisa for someone who apparently smart, you don't think a lot.""Oh please I'm smarter than you Justin" "Are not" "Are too" Are not" "Are to-" "Both of you shut it" Jason said. Jeez he started I mean come on does he seriously think that he is smarter than me.

"And as for you Lisa You can make us all breakfast'' "Bu-" "Don't complain your lucky that I let you off easy." So that is how I spent the rest of my morning making breakfast for the 4 HUGE pigs that I call brothers.



This was just an opening of the story It will get a lot more interesting as the story goes on. Unlike my other story I will try to upload daily. Just for you guys. I am hoping that this story can reach the end which If I Upload daily should be a really long story. Please let me know how you think this story is going so far. And i will take any suggestions that you guys give to me. Thank you for entering the journey of my story Overprotective.

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