~61~ Hope

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Jason's POV

"LISA!? Lisa, what happened?" I shouted once I heard what sounded like the phone falling to the ground. The line went quiet, and I could only hear the sound of a trunk closing and a car speeding off.

"What happened?" Justin asked frantically from the backseat. I looked over to Dylan who had just as much as a scared look on his face as I probably did.

"Annalisa!" Dylan shouted. I could feel my heart racing twice as much as it was before. I quickly arrived at where Lisa described she was but didn't see her. What I did see was Jacobs phone on the floor face down. I picked it up and the call was still going on.

At that realization, my heart dropped. My little sister was just kidnapped.  "W-what happened? Where did she go?" Justin asked. Dylan went around the building shouting her name, but she wasn't here.

I held the bridge of my nose to reframe myself from crying. I couldn't do that right now. I needed to find her first. Dylan came from inside the building with his hands on his head. "She's not here," he said out of breath. "Thanks, Dylan, that's obvious," Justin replied.

Dylan glared at him and it looked like they were about to fight. "You two stop! Get in the car."

I went back in the car followed by Justin and Dylan. From the call, she said that Veronica was home. So that was the only place left to go. I immediately sped off to our home which wasn't very far.

"I swear to God whoever did this to her," Dylan mumbled from his seat. I looked over at him and gave him a reassuring nod. I had to keep it together. Meanwhile, Justin was freaking out in the back.

"What if we never find her? What if the person who took her...what if he?"

"Justin stop. Don't think like that. We're going to find her," I said. I tried to make myself sound as calm as possible. But that was near impossible.

"But what if?-"

"-Would you stop saying that!?" Dylan shouted. "We're going to find her. Stop saying we won't. We're going to find her."

Justin didn't say anything else. I could only hear his soft crying. I quickly pulled into our driveway and turned to face Dylan. "Okay Dylan, I'm gonna go inside and you need to drive off. You cant come in." I said to him. By the look on his face, I already knew what was coming next.

"Are you crazy? Why wouldn't I come in? I'm going in," he said. "No, Dylan, you heard the call. It's not safe."

"Jason, I don't care about my safety," Dylan said about ready to get out of the car. I forced him back. "Well I do, so just do what I said."

"No, what if Lisa's in there?" Dylan asked. "If she is it's still not safe for the both of you to come inside. But you can help by driving off and calling 911, I need to help Jacob."

I got out of the car and Dylan reluctantly got into the driver's seat. "I promise everything is going to be okay," I said to Dylan once I noticed the tears forming his eyes. He simply nodded and I gave him room to leave. Once I was sure they were gone. I went inside.

I quietly opened the door and was met with a gun in my face. "You're going to do everything I say if you want your dear sister to stay alive," Veronica said.

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