~53~Truth Be Told

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"What am I going to do, Liam?" I asked. I was probably sitting in his car for 10 minutes after the phone call and actually heard a cop car go by.

That only made my anxiety worse. And I felt even more guilty.

"Ok um, remember I will go with any decision you decide to make...but are you sure you don't want to just tell them?" Liam asked.

I gave him an incredulous look. "Would you like to keep living?" I asked. There was a short moment of silence. "Yeah?" he said more like a question.

"I can't tell them, Liam. Not only will I get into soo much trouble, but I don't want to see the look on Jasons face when he finds out I have been lying to him for so long. "

"Ok but I don't want to see you keep beating yourself up about this, " he said. I looked away from him and looked out the window. He was right, but was I ready to tell them?

I could feel tears running down my face, and I couldn't stop them. Liam turned me around to face him and placed both of his hands on my face.

"I don't want to lose you, Liam. If I tell them, then I definitely won't be able to see you again, " I said through tears.

He wiped them away with his thumb and gave me a small smile. "You don't know that. And you can't get rid of me that easily, " he said.

He surprised me by kissing my forehead. "Whatever you choose is fine with me, just think about everything, " he said.

I knew what he wanted me to choose, but I wasn't sure if that's what I wanted to choose. Sure, I did want to stop lying to them and be able to be with Liam freely, but...it just wasn't that simple.

After a couple of silent minutes, I decided what to do. "I'll tell them, " I mumbled. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but Liam was right. The longer I hid it, the worse the outcome would get.

"Alright, then let's go, " he said starting the car again. I gave him a quizzical look. "What do you mean lets?" I asked.

"I'm coming with you, " he said looking at me. I shook my head and rest my hand on top of his. "You can't, Liam. That will only make everything worse. It would be best if it's just me. That way they won't go into the next galaxy, " I said.

He seemed hesitant but nodded slowly. "Are you sure?" he asked. I nodded. I would have loved for him to be there, but my brothers would not be happy to put it nicely.

He drove to the usual spot where he dropped me off. It was in our backroad. You could see my window from the street and he would stay there and wait till I snuck back into my room.

I had a ladder set up and everything. But this time I would just walk through the front door. Wouldn't make any sense otherwise.

"Well, if I text you tonight that means I am not dead, " I said looking towards Liam after he parked his car.

He gave me a sympathetic look. "Are you sure you don't want me to come? I don't mind at all even though I am a little intimidated by your brothers, " he said.

I smiled internally at the thought but I couldn't let him just come in with me like that. My brothers will already have a lot to process.

"It's okay. Seriously, " I said briefly glancing at him. If I looked at him long enough I would never leave the car.

He hesitated before nodding and giving me a small smile. I shakily got out of the car. I admired the grass, the stars, the sky. Who knows when I will see them again.  I even smiled at the rocks.

I waved back at Liam as I walked back to my house. I already knew I was in deep cause there was a cop car in the driveway.

I wasn't even gone that long.  I slowly, and I mean slowly, walked to the front door. I could hear talking from the inside and pretty much every light in the house was on.

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