~7~ Evil Girlfriend

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After about an hour of me just sitting in my room thinking about what to do over the next 3 days. That was how long the doctor gave me to rest. I don't understand the big deal I feel fine, but try telling that to my brothers and they will cause a tidal wave.

I finally got out of bed and decided to get some food. Dylan's girlfriend was supposed to come an hour ago, but she didn't......oh well guess I will just have to survive without her. How will I do that? Note down  the sarcasm

Halfway through my thoughts I trip over something and started falling. I was waiting for the floor to hit me like a sack of potatoes that grew into rocks, but it never came. I opened my eyes to see Dylan holding me.

"You have got to watch where you are going Lisa you can get seriously hurt," Dylan said with a worried expression on his face. "Are you okay?" Dylan asked. "I am fine, nothing to worry about" "Good because we are going somewhere," Dylan said

"WHAT, but I just got home!" I exclaimed. How can they tell me to be safe if every second we are going somewhere. "Me, Jacob and Jason are going somewhere, and Justin is sleeping over with friends." "Wait, so I am going to be home by myself?" I asked partly hoping the answer was yes.

"NO, are you crazy that would be the last thing we do," Dylan said like that was the most absurd idea he has ever heard. "Then what am I going to do?" I asked Dylan slowly. If I am not going with them, or staying home by myself, that only leaves one other option.

"No, absolutely not, please Dylan I do not need a babysitter I am fine...see.." I told Dylan whiles jumping around to prove to him that I was perfectly fine.

"Well, you can take that up with Jason, it was his idea," Dylan said and then left me standing there like a fish out of water.

I ran down the stairs to Jason who was sitting on the couch watching TV. "Why can't I stay home by myself?" I asked Jason with a sad face. "because I said so" Jason said getting up to go to his room.

"Bu-" "No buts its final," Jason said cutting me off. I mentally laughed at what Jason said. BUtts. I know I know I am childish we all are.

"Then who is watching me," I asked Jason. ugghh just saying that sentence made me want to crawl up into a ladybug and die.

"Susan," Jason said like this was the most casual conversation ever. "SAY WHAT NOW" I screamed out. Jason covered his ears. "HEY stop screaming Susan is watching you and that is the end of that. She volunteered so it is fine." Jason said whiles putting his socks on.

"No, no, no don't you see?" I said Jason shook his head. I went on " Susan volunteered so that she could kill me it  is all apart of her facade." I said. How could he not, believe me, that witch is a demon.

"First of all no name calling' I rolled my eyes at that, 'and secondly if anything goes wrong you can always call us, we won't be that far," Jason said bending down to my height and staring me straight in the eyes.

"Fiiiiinnnnneeeeee," I said dragging it out at the end.  "If it is a must" Right after I said that the doorbell rung. "Must be her" Jason said ruffling my hair as he walked out of his room.

Shortly after he left I followed him, and guess what I see little red riding hood smiling like a big toe. "Hello," the evil Grinch said. Dylan was down here no sooner than the grouch had arrived.

"Hey Susan," He said acting shy all of a sudden. "Hey," Susan said. "Okay, okay we get it, but I think you guys are forgetting the whole reason she is here, unfortunately ." After I said that Susan gave me a glare and I gave her a smirk.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all I only have to fight fire with fire. As if reading my thoughts Jacob gave me a look immediately silencing my plans I had in plan for it.

"Anyway we are going to be gone for around 2-3 hours, shouldn't be too long, if there is any problem just call we will come right away," Jason said looking at me whiles saying the last part.

"Okay bye guys stay safe," Dylan said issuing his statement to his leech. Each of them gave me a nice hug then left. I immediately went into the living room to watch some tv and block out the truck next to me. 

"Hey, little girl didn't I tell you to stay away from Dylan" I tuned her out because it is quite obvious that she was lost in an oblivion of insanity.

"Stupid little girl I am talking to you," She said with a higher pitched more nasty voice. This time I answered her. "Listen it is quite obvious that I don't like you and vice versa so why don't you go ahead and mix some potions like you always do and leave me alone," I said happily that I got a good word in.

After saying that the disgusting roach slapped me. This was the second time in the span of 2 days. That was the last straw, and as badly as I wanted to slap her I knew what she was trying to do.

"I know what you are trying to do make my brothers view me as the threat, but I won't let that happen I am not a little 2-year-old roach like you."

And just like that, there was a searing pain in my left eye.

"OOOWWWW what is your problem, wait until my brothers find out," I said holding my left eye. "Your brothers won't find out, because of they do I will ruin your big brother Dylan's life," Susan said staring directly at me.

"Better get that cleaned up, oh what will you tell your brothers?" She said and walked away laughing. 

I ran into the bathroom tears falling out of both of my eyes. I got some wet paper towel and dabbed it onto my now sealed eye. I looked at it in the mirror and to say it looked bad was an understatement.

My brothers can't know about this I will just have to say I slipped or something. They will believe that.....right..?

I ran into my bedroom and went tried to go to sleep despite the searing pain in my eye. All I have to do is hide it. It cant be that hard can it?

A couple hours later I hear the front door open.

"We are home"

How was that hope it was good? Another cliffhanger stay tuned to find out more.

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