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She didn't look right. That was the first thing I noticed. Her hair was disheveled, her clothes were torn and messy. She looked like she came straight out of the jungle.

Jacob immediately stepped in front of me so that I couldn't see her anymore. "Has your brain stopped working? Oh, wait that's already happened. " He said. "We told you not to come here anymore." His voice raised slightly towards the end.

"I'm sorry," was the only thing she said in reply. She looked so sincere and anyone would be inhuman not to believe her.

But I didn't fall for it. I would never fall for it. It was different with Dad. He didn't constantly berate Justin and I for years with not an ounce of regret in his heart. It was her.

"You're leaving," Jacob said. He grabbed her arm and dragged her outside. "No you don't understand," she said. "Yes we do, now leave!"

"Please. I can't go back. Don't you see I need your help? Maybe you can be helpful for once and lend it," she said. Her tone changed slightly but she still kept up the same act.

"After all, I have done for you," she said stepping in my direction. Jacob was quick to pull me back. He gave her a glare.

She didn't say anything as she bent down and picked up her bag that I hadn't noticed was on the ground until now.

"You really think you can do this hmm? I realized the mistakes I've made, but are you really not going to take me back?" She asked.

The way she said it was way too calm. I didn't like it.

"You are pass insane. I don't even think there is a word describing you right now," Jacob said shaking his head.

She put her bag on her shoulder and simply looked at us. I don't know why I haven't left yet. I just felt much safer standing next to Jacob then I would going upstairs alone.

"I know I have failed you once and because of that my life is now in ruins. So...since I can't have a good life, neither should any of you."

My eyes nearly fell out of their socket when she pulled something out of her bag. It was shiny and metallic and I instantly recognized it to be a gun.

"What are you doing?" Jacob asked slowly. I was now hidden behind him completely but I still didn't know what to do.

"Get inside," was all she said in reply. She discreetly hid the gun and pointed it directly at Jacob. I held his hand tight, not knowing what to do. He squeezed mines back in hopes of calming me down but it wasn't working.

My mother was crazy, that much was obvious. But this....certainly she wouldn't turn to shooting her own children.

I could feel the fear already coursing through me. She had all the control right now and she knew it.

"Veronica," Jacob said slowly. "What are you doing?"

"Stop asking me that!" She shouted briefly gripping her hair. "Just-Just sit down," she said. Right now I wish I was like a superhero or something. Maybe the hulk. Then I could just step on her.

Jacob guided me to the couch all the while keeping me behind him. She was watching us intently the whole time.

"Just sit here okay?" He whispered to me. I nodded shakily. Tears were already threatening to fall. I didn't want anything bad to happen. Especially to Jacob.

"Nothings gonna happen," he said noticing the tears that refused to stay inside. "Okay now we are going to wait until everyone gets here," my mother said.

"What are you doing this for? Just take what you want," Jacob said. "Shut up and sit down!" I jumped when she shouted.

I've seen her this angry before, but after not being in those situations for a long time it brought back lots of unwanted memories.

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