~50~ Truth or Lie?

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I was shocked to see the weird guy. I tightened my hand around my bookbag. I tried to quickly go around him, but he stepped in the same direction.

"Oh, you startled me," he said. "I was just looking for the teacher's room. Do you know where it is?" he asked. He knew where it was. Why was he asking me? The first time I saw him at this school, was at the teacher's faculty. Now I was getting really panicked. I didn't think he would have enough guts to show up here again after the encounter with Jacob.

He knew exactly who I was, and he knew I knew who he was. "Well, I guess I can cut the act now, seeing as though you already know who I am. Kids are getting smarter these days. Anyway, don't worry after this you won't see me anymore, but I will see you. Tell Daddy dearest to pay me my money and all will be good. Don't forget to convey the message." With that, he walked off into the next direction.

What money was he talking about? And what did Dad have to do with him?" I was beyond confused. I briskly walked outside and waited for Jacob to get here. I was still on edge and kept looking around every couple of seconds to make sure he wasn't around. Whiles waiting I saw Justin and his friend walk out of the building. They were both smiling and were holding.....Mcdonald's bags?

Justin waved to his friend and walked over to me. "Are you jealous yet? Man, you should have joined the dark side. I mean we did get a super long lecture, but he was so nice about it, and he even got us Mcdonalds. Although he said if we ever did anything like that again he wouldn't be so nice." He finished taking a sip on his soda.

"He has to be like my new favorite person ever." I didn't really acknowledge anything he said as I was still focused on what just happened. "I would have saved you something, but I was starving so...."

Was Dad in something bad? I was utterly confused as to why the same guy that was following us and warning us about someone, associated with Dad. "Hello?" Justin shook me out of my thoughts and I Iooked at him.

"Jacobs here," he said motioning to the black car. "Oh," I said switching back to reality."Why are you acting weird? By now you would have yelled at me for not saving you anything." he said walking with me to the car. "Because the weird guy that keeps following us knows Dad," I said briefly glancing at him.

I took shotgun before Justin could which earned a glare from me. "Hey, delinquents," Jacob said shaking his head at us. "What is it this time, huh?" he asked looking in the rearview mirror at Justin. "Why are you looking at me?" he exclaimed.

Jacob raised an eyebrow at him. "Cause, obviously it was most likely your fault," he said. I smiled internally. At least they knew that. "It could have been, Lisas!" he said. I glared at him. "Are you really trying to go there?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and slouched back in his seat like the toddler he is.

"Whatever, Lisa has something to tell you anyway. It's way more important than this," he said. Why would he put me on the spot like that? Jacob gave me an expectant look to continue. "What? Did you get expelled?" he asked jokingly.

"No......It's a little more shocking than that," I said playing with the bracelet on my hand. "Then what is it?" he asked glancing at me. "Remember the weird guy that keeps following us?" He squinted his eyes and nodded slowly. "Yeah. Well, I ran into him after school. He told me to tell Dad to give him his money."

I could see Jacobs entire face change from a carefree one to an angry one. He looked me up and down as if assessing me. "He didn't do anything," I added quickly because Jacob looked angry.

"Son of a-" he cut himself off and resorted to gripping the steering wheel. "Did he say anything else?" he asked looking at me. "He said we wouldn't see him again, but he would see us," I mumbled.

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