~59~Cafe Date

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"You don't have to come out you know," I said to Jacob just as we pulled up to the cafe. "Why wouldnt I?" he asked killing the engine. I glared at him. He knew exactly what he was going to do.

"Can't you just stay in the car? I am going to be right there," I said gesturing to the cafe directly ahead of us. "Hmmm....no," he said unbuckling his seatbelt. I realize now that I should have asked Jason or even Dylan.

I gave him the pouty face to which he looked away. "But please? You are just going to make it awkward and unbearable and you are going to interrogate him," I said. "No I am not," he said defensively.

I raised an eyebrow at him to which he sighed. "Ok, but can you really blame me?" he asked. "Yes."

"Not really. I still don't like him," he said looking at me. I internally rolled my eyes. "Well, maybe if you don't act like a jerk to him, then you might start to like him," I said slowly. He didn't say anything and just stepped out of the car.

I followed him with a frown. I get that he didn't like Liam, but he didn't have to be so rude about it. Jacob sighed when he saw me. "Okay, fine. I won't bother you guys. I'll sit a little ways away. It wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear, but it was much better than him sitting with us.

"Yes, thank you," I said as I sped walked into the cafe. I was so excited to finally see him. I may sound like I am over exaggerating a bit, but I just missed him so much. I couldn't explain the feeling I felt with him. All I knew was that every time I was with him. I forgot about all of my worries and everything became worry free.

A huge smile made its way on Liam's face and his eyes lit up when he saw me. Although it did falter a little when he saw Jacob come in after me. He whispered to the barista next to him and walked around the counter. I immediately hugged him once he made it around the counter.

I didn't care that there were other people that might be watching us. "Okay, no skin contact," Jacob said pulling me away from Liam. I saw him not so subtly glare at Liam. And he wondered why I wanted to keep it a secret from them.

"Okay, Jacob, remember what you said?" I asked him. I gave him an expectant look. He rolled his eyes. "Stop, you're being overprotective," I whispered up to him, even though Liam could probably still hear me. "Yes, I know," he said still not taking his eyes off of Liam.

I gently pushed him away so that he would take a hint and go away. "Don't do anything stupid," Jacob said to Liam.

I sighed of relief when he finally walked away. "I'm so sorry about him. I really didn't want any of my brothers to come but-"

"-It's okay Lisa," he said cutting me off. "I'm really sorry," I said looking up at him. He gave me a reassuring smile. "Seriously, don't be. He has every right to be protective," he said.

"Yeah but he is a little too protective," I mumbled. "Come on," he said guiding me to a table. "I'll be right back," he said right before he left to the back of the cafe.

I looked over at Jacob who sat on the other side of the cafe to see him looking at me. 'Go away' I mouthed to him.

He shook his head with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and looked away just in time to see Liam come out of the back with my favorite treat ever. "Liam," I said as I stared at the best dessert ever made.

He set it on the table and sat across from me. "It's okay you can eat it," he said laughing when he saw me staring at it.

"Liam, you are spoiling me with all of this. I'm gonna get a cavity," I said. Despite saying that I started digging in nonetheless.

He looked at me and chuckled. "What can I say? I just love spoiling you," he said. I could feel my face heating up. "Oh stop it," I mumbled smiling.

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