~4~ Emergency

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You know those days where you just don't know what to do. Yeah I am having one of those days. I have no idea what to tell Dylan about his girlfriend. I mean she is just vicious. A Horrible person. 

As I was thinking about all of this the Prince himself ran into my room. "Did you ask her?, Did you ask her?" Dylan repeated jumping up and down on my bed. "Ask who what?" I asked hopefully stalling him.

"You know what I mean don't play dumb" Dylan said with a really straight face. "OK fine to tell you the truth it was awf-" I was about to tell him how mean she was and how he shouldn't date her, but then I saw his face and to say the least he looked desperate.

-awesome, it couldn't have gone any better" I lied to him. You never know maybe she was possessed.

"Great I was really hoping you would say that you liked he-" "-I never said I lik-" "-I can't wait until I introduce her to the entire family" And with that Dylan sped out of the room.

I really wish I was an only child. "LISA" Great now what. I ran downstairs to my oldest brother Jason.

"Yes?" I asked what did he call me for? "Go and get ready we are going somewhere" he said While fixing his hair. "What, Where are we going?" "Just this seafood restaurant that just opened down the street" Jason said. "No thanks I think I will just stay home"I said

"No, Lisa you coming with us whether you like it or not" Jason demanded putting his brush down.

"But why do I have to go can't we just order pizza or something ?" I questioned, because really that is all we really do. "No we cannot just order pizza because Susan Is coming to meet the rest of the family" Dylan ran in stealing the brush from Jason and bounding back into his room.

Ughh this Susan girl again I honestly wish she would just disappear. 

Five minutes later and we were all Jammed packed in Dylan's car. Guess whos idea it was. The one and only genus Dylan. He said it would make him look way more cooler when he picks up Susan.

I don't know if he thought this through, but there is no room to pick up Susan. "Alright were here" said Jason who was driving, he is the only one not squished. Susan came into the car, and I immediately regretted coming, not that I really had a choice.

"Uhhm" Susan said looking around seeing as there was no room in the car. " You can sit with me" Dylan said winking at Susan.

SIT WITH HIM WHERE! Then I immediately realized that he meant on his lap. I tried to get as close to Justin as possible to get away from Dylan and Susan who was basically giving him a lap dance.

"Any closer Lisa and I will for sure lose a rib." Justin struggled to say as I tried my hardest to leave at least a foot between Dylan and I.

"You sit where I am then we will see which one I care about" I said to Justin totally grossed  out by Dylan and Hannah make out session.

"Both of you stop, Dylan show some respect" Jason finally decided to say. The rest of the ride was pretty much me signing my death certificates.

We finally arrived and I flew out of the car Happy to get some actual air instead of that used one. "Alright is everyone here ?" Jason asked. Jason literally has the best timing. After a Thirty minute ride he decides now would be a good time to ask if everyone's here. HA.

"No, I think Jacob decided to stay Ill go get him." Trying to find an excuse to get home even though I cant drive, and Jacobs right on the side of me. 

"Lisa stop trying to find an excuse to leave and just listen to your brothers" I know this female dog did not just try to side with my brothers. and no I don't swear.

"I like her already" Justin said . I tried to give him my most sour look, but he already looked away. We went inside me pouting the entire time. I do not believe this she turning my brothers against me already. 

We got a booth and I sat All the way at the end, hoping to keep my distance form that witch. Everyone ordered as I look at my menu. 

"Are you sure you can order form the big kids menu?'' Justin said just about ready to laugh, but guess who beat him to it Susan, great.

"Very funny Justin, but your only a year older than I am" I said pissed off already. "exactly an entire year" Susan commented. I was about ready to throw myself onto the floor. 

Its just tonight, I kept reminding myself, because if I didn't I would lose it. "Alright guys that's enough" Jacob said. I finally got to order and yes off of the big kids menu as Justin puts it. I got the Lobster Alfredo I had never tried that before.

In the meanwhile everyone took part in small conversations. I just sat there giving Susan the best glare I can muster as she basically talked about how perfect she is.

The food finally arrived to my greatest delight. The food smelled great I have to say. everyone took a bite of their food first and I watched to make sure I wasn't going to die.

They all seemed fine so I dug in . It tasted heavenly. "This is soo go-" halfway through my comment I felt a burning in my throat and It was getting harder to breathe. Jacob was the first one to notice. "OH MY GOD LISA"he screamed as he rushed to my side.

 I was on the floor now gasping for air. Everything was swirling around I couldn't hear anything, and my vision was getting darker.

"Come on stay with us, stay with us" Was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.



Hope you guys enjoyed what do you think will happen in the next chapter. Stay tuned. Also There will be a boy coming up soon. I am going to need the following information 


Eye color

How many siblings

Gender of Siblings


Hair color

Favorite activity

That will be all for now

And I would like to give a shout out to hermiyonexxx. Thank you soo much For being there from the beginning I really appreciate it .

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