~23~ New Friend?

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Half an hour after our talk with Jason. Justin, Dylan, and Jacob are currently playing football outside. I have no idea where Jason went, and I am bored. I literally feel like I have no friends. Now that I think about it, I truly don't have any friends. There was Sally, but she proved to be a waste of time.

I really need to go out and look for some friends. With that in mind, I got up from the couch I was sitting on and went to look for Jason. I went outside first, in hopes he was playing with the other boys.

I walked out just in time to see Jacob tackle Dylan to the ground. Wow, that game can be quite violent. I went back inside and checked his office, which now that I think about it should have been the first thing I did.

And as predicted there he was sitting in his famous black office chair, that was behind a silver desk. He was facing his laptop and seemed quite concentrated.

"Hey Jason," I said waving at him to get his attention. He looked up at me and smiled. "Hey kiddo, what do you need?" he asked closing his laptop.

"Well, I am actually really bored here. There is nothing for me to do, and I don't have any friends to talk to." I said twirling my hair around my finger.

"Oh Lisa, well what do you want me to do about it," Jason said sighing. "Well, I wanted to go somewhere, like maybe the cafe, or the mall, so that I could meet someone," I said.

I know right about now, I probably sound so outgoing and fun. Well, I am probably the exact opposite. I am really shy. I just want to get out of the house and do something other than stare at the same walls.

Jason gave me a funny look. "A friend, just a friend," I said laughing nervously. Oh, come on. "Okay, well if you really want to go you will have to ask one of the boys to go with you," he said swiveling in his chair

"Do I really have to ask one of the boys to come with me, why can't I just go by myself?" I said throwing my hands in the air. This happens everytime I want to go somewhere. "You know why you can't go by yourself," he said raising an eyebrow at me.

I only rolled my eyes. Of course, I knew why he didn't want me to go by myself. He didn't want me to get kidnapped, or robbed, or killed, and yes he said those exact words, in that exact order.

"Ugghh fine, can I go with Justin?," I asked batting my lashes. He only laughed. "Nice try Lisa, but you know letting Justin go is just as bad as letting you go by yourself," he said. And he has a fair point Justin can't do much.

Now I know you might be saying, didn't Justin basically just save your life. Well yeah that is true, but we were up against some short not very strong lady, nothing compared to what could happen in the outside world, as Jason puts it.

I didn't want Jason to go with me, because he will probably suggest, all the dumb stores, and half of the times I end up getting nothing. Jason is busy so that only leaves Dylan. Jason was still looking at me. "Fine, I can go with Dylan," I said rolling my eyes.

I really didn't want to go with anyone, but it was either go with someone or don't go at all. That's the way it works. Jason nodded. "Alright, let him know, then let me know when you guys are leaving," he said opening his laptop and continuing with his work.

I went towards where the boys were playing football but noticed they weren't there anymore. I turned around to go back inside but bumped into someone. I looked up and was met with Dylan's blue eyes.

"Watch where your going Dylan," I said rubbing my bum. "Hey if you were taller, you probably would not have been in this situation," he said helping me up. "Haha very funny," I said dusting myself off.

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