~58~Mr. Huntington

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It has been about two weeks since Grayson told me he liked me. And honestly, he hasn't stopped trying to convince me that I need to be with him. He has said it so much now that I was starting to think he was personally sent from someone to make me fall for him.

I searched around the house for Jason to ask him a very important question. I hadn't seen Liam in so long that I was starting to think our whole relationship was a dream.

I found him in the kitchen facing the stove. It smelled really good so it was obvious he was cooking something.

"Can I see Liam today?" I asked. Straight to the point. I just needed to see him.

"Um, you're still grounded," he said without even turning around. My entire face dropped. I knew that I was just hoping he would forget it. "But, I need to see him. I haven't been able to text or talk to him for at least two weeks! You guys wouldnt even let me go to the cafe anymore."

I sat on the stool and waited for him to say something. He sighed and turned around to face me. The tongs were still in his hand from turning the chicken over and he had a little bit of grease on his forehead.

"I know I said you could see him once you asked us, but that was meant to be after you were ungrounded," he said. 

"And when is that supposed to be?"

"Not for a while Lisa." I groaned and banged my head on the table. "Don't do that," he said sternly. I internally rolled my eyes.

"But, please can I see him?" I asked. If he wouldnt listen to me, I would have to force him into submission. I did my best puppy face that I knew almost always worked on him.

I could practically see the wheels turning in his head as he looked at me. He closed his eyes and turned around again to tend to the chicken. Alright then. I got up from the stool and hugged him from behind. "Please, Jacey?" I asked hugging him tighter using his childhood nickname.

Something was bound to get to him. He wouldnt be able to withstand my cuteness for much longer. "Stop, Lisa," he groaned throwing his head back. I smirked knowing that my tactics were working.

He put the tongs down and turned around. I looked up at him and gave him the best puppy face I could muster. I really hoped I didn't look crazy. "Fine," he said. I jumped up and down with excitement and hugged him again.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," I said hugging him again.  "But, you can go after you get your cast off," he said. I nodded excitedly. As long as I got to see him. I was getting my cast off at 3 pm today and I was so excited.

Over the weeks I became used to it. It was like another part of me, but that doesn't mean I liked it. I was more than eager to get it off.  "Which means you should probably start getting ready. We leave in half an hour," Jason said.

"I nodded and left the kitchen. On the way to my room. I could hear Justin shouting from his room about his videogame. I swear he must actually think that the characters are real people. They are pixels. They only do what you tell them to do. Besides he was probably playing Fortnite again.

I walked into my room and quickly changed with the lights off. When I get back home today I will be completely free of this portable arm prison. I'll admit I am a  little nervous to see what my arm looks like underneath. It hasn't seen the light of day in 6 weeks.

From what Dylan and Justin have told me it won't look good at all and that was a little worrying.  But despite that, I still happily hopped down the stairs and sat on the living room couch.  Nobody else was home, besides Justin, Jason and I.  Justin and Jason were both preoccupied, but Jason's work was more important. So that only left one person for me to bother until it was time to leave.

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