~25~ Nightmare

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Recap- Jason tells Lisa and Justin what really happened when their parents came home.

It's been approximately 2 hours 5 minutes and 2 seconds since Jason told us what happened. I have been sitting in front of the TV ever since, trying to break things down as if it were some complicated scientific formula.

I really didn't want to think about things so much and I am sure my brothers felt the same way. Dylan came in from outside and plopped down next to me. "Are you just going to sit on this couch for the rest of the day?" he asked

I looked outside and the sun was going down. Well, there goes my day.

I didn't even realize he picked up the remote and started flipping through channels. "What were you doing outside?" I asked trying to divert the attention away from me.

"Well after you and Justin basically trashed it, I had to clean it," he said. "What, what are you talking about? What do you mean we trashed it?" I asked giving him a look.

He spared me a glance still flipping through the channels. Dylan and his car were like a teenager and their phone, they were inseparable.

"Last I checked we didn't trash anything, Well I didn't anyway," I said. Who knows what Justin does.

"You guys being in that car is the only excuse I need," he said finally settling on a sports channel. I rolled my eyes at his childishness. "Seriously?" I said chuckling. "Yes, seriously"

"Ok whatever you say," I said getting up but was immediately sat back down. "Hey!" I said. "Not...so....fast," he said. I gave him an incredulous look. "What's the matter?" I asked

He looked straight ahead for a minute and then switched the tv off. I gave him a puzzled look. "Dylan is there a reason I was slammed onto the chair?" I said.

He rolled his eyes. "Okay first off I didn't slam you," he said putting emphasis on slam. "And second of all I wanted to see if you were having any more nightmares?" he asked. His question sort of caught me off guard.

I guess I haven't had any since that time in the car which is a huge relief "No, I haven't had any" I said looking up at him. "Okay, good," he said. There was a brief silence. "But, you will tell me if you do, right?" he asked looking me in the eyes.

"Yes, yes I will Dylan we have already had this conversation," I said. I swear it's as if he is going to remind me of this every week. "I know, I know I am just making sure," he said. He switched the TV back onto the sports channel and watched it.

I sometimes think about what it would be like if I had a sister. Maybe she would not have put on sports and put on some other channels that I would be remotely interested in. It was getting pretty dark out, and I decided to go upstairs and find something to do.

I decided to see what the others were doing. I was about to head to Jacobs room and see what he was doing. I walked past the bathroom which was open and stopped in my tracks. Justin was seated on the toilet lid and Jason was giving him a haircut.

"Hey don't cut it too low I don't want to be bald," Justin said moving his head from side to side. "Oh calm down, it's not gonna be too low," Jason said holding Justin's head still.  

"Just keep still Justin, or I will give you a very unattractive bald spot," Jason said. This made Justin sit still in a second. "Why do I have to get a haircut anyway?" Justin asked.

"Because your hair is getting too long and, you don't like to comb it," Jason said clipping some more hair. Justin only groaned out loud and put his head in his hands. "Hey, you'll be fine, stop exaggerating," Jason said back.

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