Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf, Book Three)

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Get ready for the jam-packed third installment of Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf) with Stacie Stilinski, Arielle Martin, Tara Hale and Natalie Lahey!

In this installment, the return of a surprise guest will rock Natalie and Arielle's worlds, and forces Tara and Stacie to make a few required changes.

Stacie is done with being a victim, ready to take on anyone needed be to protect her friends and family.

Arielle is given the summer to recover from her father's death, and a newly found relationship with her mother continues to grow while someone she's never expected to come back makes an appearance.

Tara is changing her ways, easier said than done, to become closer to Derek and build a pack against the impending Alpha pack, and renew a relationship with her long lost sister Cora while fighting and rejecting certain feelings for a certain someone.

Natalie is released from the vault with an unbreakable bond with Boyd, but will she ever be the same when the love of her life dies?

And Adriana, Arielle's sister, comes back to threaten their very world while at the same time tries to keep hers intact.




From 3.10 "The Overlooked", in the hospital hallway, Stiles and Stacie Stilinski ran down the hall.

From 3.06 "Motel California", in the Hale Loft, Derek Hale sat on his bed, shirtless.

A woman put a hand on his shoulder from behind.

Derek: (voice over from 3.06 Motel California) "Everyone around me gets hurt."

From 3.02 "Chaos Rising", in the basement of a house, a blonde girl named Heather was seducing Stiles. "You know what I want for my birthday?"

They kissed.

From 3.10 "The Overlooked", in the hospital elevator, Natalie Lahey used both her arms to lean against the elevator doors, breathing heavily, starting to lose control. Her eyes were glowing gold.

From 3.04 "Unleashed", in Beacon Hills High School hallway, Allison Argent and Stacie were talking together. "I wanna be able to do something that I could protect myself or try to help other people with."

From 3.04 "Unleashed", outside the school in the parking lot, Isaac Lahey was sitting on a motorcycle.

Ari Martin stood next to him, teaching him how to drive it.

Isaac looked at her, awed and impressed, his gaze lowering to Ari's lips. Ari looked at him.  

From 3.02 "Chaos Rising", in the school library, Lydia Martin and Allison were sitting at a table together.

Lydia looked behind her. "I want one."

From 3.05 "Frayed", in a warehouse, twin teenage boys named Ethan and Aiden stood on a balcony above the floor, shirtless.

From 3.05 "Frayed", in Coach Finstock's office, Lydia was lying on the desk.

Aiden was kissing her neck.

From 3.01 "Tattoos", outside Ari's House, Ari looked at the rosary next to her, pulling out a blue flower. She twirled the blue flower in front of her. She sighed, looking up, smiling, walking forward.

From 3.01 "Tattoos", in the hospital hallway, Tara Hale stood in the doorway to the elevator, smirking.

From 3.01 "Tattoos", in the Hale House, Stiles and Stacie were holding Scott McCall down.

Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf, Book Three, Worlds Colliding Series)Where stories live. Discover now