chapter 7 - Currents

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From 3.06 "Motel California", in Derek's room, Derek turned his head to kiss Jennifer, seemingly void of emotion.

Adriana: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf)"

Derek: (voice over from 3.06 Motel California)"Everyone around me gets hurt." 

From 2.08 "Raving", outside the rave building, Stiles and Stacie each had a handful of Mountain Ash, walking toward each other.

Deaton: (voice over from 2.08 Raving)"Mountain Ash is some of what you'll use to create the barrier."

From 3.05 "Frayed", in the warehouse, Adriana pulled Ari to a standing position, but still holding her by her throat, her claws posed at her throat to keep her still.

Adriana: (voice over from 3.06 Motel California)"I wanted to kill you." 

Ari stood, pushing Adriana to the floor, putting her clawed hand to her sister's throat.

Adriana: (voice over from 3.06 Motel California)"You want to kill me." 

From 3.05 "Frayed", in the backroom of the clinic, Adriana was arguing with Kali and Aiden. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Deucalion tell us all to keep her alive? At least I got under her skin, got inside her head, which is more than I can say for any of you."

In the front, Deucalion was speaking to Adriana. "I told you that she brings out the good in you while you bring out the darkness in her. She might have been able to do what she did, almost killing you, because of you."

From 3.05 "Frayed", in the elevator, Deucalion spoke to Stacie. "The only way to protect one person..."

From 3.05 "Frayed", in the back of the clinic, Deucalion clamped his hand closed around Ennis' head, killing him.

Deucalion: (voice over from 3.05 Frayed) "Is to kill another." 

From 2.12 "Master Plan", in the basement of the Argent House, Boyd, Natalie and Erica were strung up from the ceiling by electrical wires, duct tape covering their mouths.

Chris stood in front of them. "A certain level of electric current can keep you from transforming. 

From 3.05 "Frayed", in the warehouse, Ennis raised his arm to slash out Tara's throat.

Stacie shot a flash bolt into his shoulder. 

The flash bolt exploded, momentarily blinding Ennis. 

Kali looked toward Stacie, glaring, growling. 

Derek jumped over Tara, slashing toward Ennis.

Ethan: (voice over from 3.06 Motel California) "Derek killed one of ours."

From 3.06 "Motel California", on the bus, Scott, Stiles, Stacie, Ari and Ethan were talking.

"Either he joins our pack," Ethan told them. He looked at Ari. "Or you kill him to become an Alpha." He looked at Stacie. "Or Kali goes after him."

From 3.04 "Unleashed", in the loft, Kali spun around a broken half-pipe, stabbing Derek through his back.

Ethan: (voice over from 3.06 Motel California)"And we kill him." 


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