chapter 10 - The Overlooked

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From 3.08 "Visionary", in the school hallway, Paige ran away from Ennis.

Stacie: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf)"

From 3.08 "Visionary", in the Nemeton, Young Derek was holding Paige.

Paige was crying in agony. "Derek, I can't take it anymore."

Young Derek put her out of her misery.

From 3.08 "Visionary", in the Nemeton, Chris and Argent were looking around.

"Sacrificial blood," Chris told him. "We're in a Nemeton."

From 3.09 "The Girl Who Knew Too Much", in Cora's hospital room, Cora was lying in bed. Gauze was wrapped around her head.

Derek and Tara were with her.

Cora looked from Derek to Tara. "What's happening to me?"

"We don't know," Tara whispered.

"But I'm not leaving, okay?" Derek asked, looking at both of his little sisters. "Not again." 

From 3.08 "Visionary", in the woods, Macey hung from her wrists from Ari's tree, barely breathing, a piece of glass impaling her stomach.

From 3.08 "Visionary", in the hospital waiting room, Melissa looked at the girls. "There's a lot of internal bleeding, the glass ruptured some vital abdominal systems, and she'll have to undergo surgery tomorrow morning, first thing, but they're trying everything they can."

Ari blinked, hardly able to move. 

From 3.07 "Currents", in the school's music room, Scott looked at Deucalion. "What's happening to Ari?"

Deucalion smiled, shaking his head, looking down. "The longer she and Adriana or separated, the worse it will become."

From 3.07 "Currents", in Allison's room, Adriana looked at Allison and Stacie. "I don't know what I'm doing or why."

"You're changing," Allison realized. "You're changing, just like Ari."

"Only in reverse," Adriana answered.

From 3.09 "The Girl Who Knew Too Much", in Ari's room, Ari pushed Isaac to the floor, straddling him, holding her clawed hand to his throat.

Adriana: (voice over from 3.07 Currents) "Ari's becoming worse, right? Darker, angrier, unpredictable? Well, I'm just the opposite. I'm becoming lighter, better, doing things that I don't even know what I'm doing." 

From 3.09 "The Girl Who Knew Too Much", in Jennifer's classroom, Lydia was tied to a chair, crying.

Jennifer circled around her. "But you, Lydia, you're not a sacrifice. You're just a girl who knows too much." 

From 3.04 "Unleashed", in the Chemistry room, Stiles, Lydia and Deaton were talking.

"If a druid went down the wrong path, there's a Gaelic word for that as well," Deaton told them.

From 3.09 "The Girl Who Knew Too Much", in Jennifer's classroom, Jennifer kissed Sheriff.

Sheriff opened his eyes in horror.

The Darach had appeared in the place of Jennifer, screeching. 

Deaton: (voice over from 3.04 Unleashed) "Darach."

Still wounded and weak, Scott and Ari forced themselves to stand, looking out of the window.

Stiles and Stacie ran in front of them.

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