chapter 13 - Anchors

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From 3.11 "Alpha Pact", in the back of the clinic, Stacie was still standing at the end of the two tubs in the middle of the four.

Stacie: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf)"

Allison, Ari, Stiles and Scott slowly climbed into the waters of frozen ice. They were submerged into the water by Adriana, Isaac, Lydia and Deaton.

Deaton: (voice over from 3.11 Alpha Pact) "Scott, Arielle, Allison and Stiles need to be surrogate sacrifices for your parents. Stacie is their tie to this world."

From 3.11 "Alpha Pact", on the street, Scott, Stiles, Stacie, Ari, Adriana and Deaton were talking.

"You'll be giving power back to the Nemeton," Deaton told them.

From 3.12 "Lunar Eclipse", in the Preserve, Allison, Natalie and Isaac ran toward the Nemeton.

Deaton: (voice over from 3.11 Alpha Pact) "It attracts the supernatural."

From 3.12 "Lunar Eclipse", in the big white room, Allison, Ari, Stiles and Scott had just gotten out of the water.

Stacie was standing in front of them, looking soaked herself, flickering in and out of focus.

Deaton: (voice over from 3.11 Alpha Pact) "It'll also have an effect on the five of you. Not just the ones acting as the sacrifices, but their central anchor. It'll be kind of darkness around your heart."

From 3.12 "Lunar Eclipse", in the back of the clinic, Adriana nodded, taking both Ethan and Aiden by the hand. She took a deep breath, giving them power. Dark gold veins trailed from her hands into theirs. Her eyes were glowing completely red. Beta blue was trying to push its way into the Alpha red. The blue and red swirled and changed, intertwining into one solid color that overruled. Her eyes were glowing completely purple.

Adriana: (voice over from 3.07 Currents) "If I give her a little power, she'll be half-Alpha, half-Beta."

From 3.12 "Lunar Eclipse", in the distillery, Deucalion took Ari by either of her arms, breaking them, making her groan in pain. It was almost like he was taking pain, although the veins that passed between them were gold, suggesting he was taking her power, making her grow weaker.

Ari's eyes were still glowing blue. Alpha red tried to push its way into her Beta blue. She had to fall to her knees weakly. The blue and the red in her eyes caved in on themselves, forming another color. The irises of her eyes glowed purple.

Adriana: (voice over from 3.07 Currents) "And so will I. Half-breeds."

From 3.12 "Lunar Eclipse", in the distillery, Scott pushed against the barrier of Mountain Ash. The potential deaths of everyone they loved and cared about was motivation enough for the glowing gold in his eyes to turn red. He pushed through the Mountain Ash, breaking through it.

Deaton: (voice over from 3.07 Currents) "A Beta can become an Alpha without having to steal or take that power. They call it a True Alpha."

Scott took a deep breath. "I'm an Alpha now."


Day One

Night - Stilinski House - Stacie's Room

Stacie was lying in bed, sleeping, having a nightmare. Her arm was still in the rainbow-colored cast, drawn on to indicate lion print from when Jennifer had broken her arm. "No, no, no, no, no. Don't let them in. Don't let them in." She was shaking in her sleep. "Don't let them in. No, don't let them in."

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